Mag auction? Why not?
Accepted currency:
Silvers: 10:1pd
Gold's: 1:1pd
Meseta 400k:1pd
Item tickets: 1pd
Countdown: 24hrs
Reset: 24hrs
Res: 1pd
Buyout: 20pd
I recently made six Mark-3 mind mags and messed up their stats a little bit. I thought I'd try to auction them off at a discount...
Starting them all at a reserve of 1 pd, bids to be made in two pd increments after that.
Countdown: 24hr with resets
x99 Power materials
Winner: 9 pd (@Kork)
x99 Mind materials
Winner: 7 pd (@redDEAD)
x99 HP materials
Winner: 9 pd (@honeydrew)