
  1. Ruel

    B> TP Material

    B> TP Materials 4 : 1pd (Up to 400) Please DM me.
  2. D

    S > Mats/Amps

    Amp of Rafoie - 1PD Amp of Barta - 1 PD Amp of Red - 1PD Luck Material x 14 - 2:1 PD Msg me Discord @ debura#7797
  3. brionac

    Extra Stats Plan with Links

  4. brionac

    Matt's Stats Plans with Links

    Feel free to edit these templates since I have linked these stats plans to an updated SCHT class simulator without the SCHT gear. Also, I discovered a secondary link to the JP version of this simulator that you can insert by replacing en with jp in the ending /en.htm section of the URL before...
  5. Lepvelx

    Selling everything

    I accept photon drops and gold badges DB's Saber 0 5 0 0 DB's Saber 0 20 0 0 DB's Saber 0 0 0 0 DB's Saber 0 0 5 0 Flowen's sword 0 0 0 0 Flowen's sword 5 0 0 0 Flowen's sword 0 20 25 0 Dragon Slayer 0 40 0 30 Geist Ripper +10 0 0 0 0 45 Blade dance 0 0 0 0 Bersek Gugnir 0 0 0 0 50 Gae Bolg 45...
  6. Firkraag

    A> 99x Luck Material [SOLD]

    SOLD! Lucky winner @Spuz Lately I have been told that I have too much luck, so I've decided to auction some of it off. Reserve: 20 pd Buyout: 35 pd or 70h+ Charge Diska (I'll add 15+ pds with the luck)
  7. Firkraag

    S> Megid 29, Material stacks

    5pd is the price for Megid Lv29 99xPower Material for 10 pd (2 stacks, 19 pd for all 198)