
  1. Brvcx

    [Done] A> M&A60 Vise 0/25/0/30|55 [CHB: 25]

    Heya, At my very first day back on Ephinea I was granted with this find. Seeing I have no clue what the market does I checked the priceguide. Res: 25 PDs Countdown: 48 hours Reset: 24 hours Will also accept Halloween Cookies at 1:4 Edit: lowered Res
  2. Spuz

    A> M&A60 Vises [0/0/0/0/55h] [CLOSED]

    Reserve Price: 20pd Countdown 48hr ~ Timer started @15:07 UTC 12/08/23 Reset Timer: 24hr ~ Current Highest Bidder: @ppz2001 w/30pds Minimum Bid Increment: 2pd
  3. Firkraag

    Meseta shop [CLOSED]

    2x V502 -- 13 Million RESERVED Centurion/Ability -- 4 Million Stealth Suit [14/25] [4S] -- 7 Million M&A60 Vise [0/0/0/0|50] -- 3 Million SOLD Complete Lv15 tech set -- 1 Million RESERVED