ignition cloak

  1. Spuz

    A> Ignition Cloak [6/8 | 2/8] [0S] [DONE]

    CHB: @Deezz w/10pds Reserve: 5 Initial CD: 48hr from bid: Reset CD: 24hr from bid: 28/02/22 @05:44 (UTC) If not pds, wants are as follows:
  2. Spuz

    A> Ignition Cloak [6/8 | 2/8] [4S] [DONE]

    CHB: Reserve: 10 Initial CD: 48hr from bid: 08/05/2022 @23:15 (UTC) Reset CD: 24hr from bid: If not pds, wants are as follows:
  3. Spuz

    A> Ignition Cloak [0/8 | 2/8] [4S] [DONE]

    CHB: @Ketchupgeek w/ 6pds Reserve: 5 Initial CD: 48hr from bid: Reset CD: 24hr from bid: 28/04/22 @16:30 (UTC) If not pds, wants are as follows:
  4. =Hanto=

    Buying > Ignition Cloak[CLOSED]

    Don't care much for the stats just looking to buy one.
  5. Ai

    A>Ignition Cloak [0/8 | 7/8] [4S] >sold

    Minimum bid: 8 PDs 72HR countdown 24hr reset neeeed pds
  6. NDW

    A>Ignition Cloak [0/8 | 5/8] [0S] (CLOSED)

    Minimum bid: 5 PDs Countdown: 72 hours
  7. Ceri0n

    This months HBR, war of limits series.

    Perhaps a bit late but better late than never right? Anyway, this months HBR is is the WOL series. I hope this HBR does take a bit longer than until 2 Februari since doing one rotation of quests takes about 1.5-2 hours (still depends somewhat on your party as well). Wol1 has a lot of Astarks...
  8. M

    S>Red Ring 4/85 3/25- SOLD

    Selling 4/85 3/25 Red Ring Wants: Adept PD's Magical Piece Ignition Cloak Three Seals Offers Accepted, RAcast item's needed aswell