
  1. Spuz

    TE/ADR Guide

    Tyrells Ego Wiki Tips: Count Format: The format in which the numbers are displayed are as follows- Only number: Amount required to open door or finish room. First number: Amount required to open door. Second number: Amount that spawns after the door has opened. Bracketed number: Special...
  2. Alterbaus

    A> Diska of Braveman [Berserk] [90/0/0/0|0] (Done @ 10PD)

    Ladies & gents, today we have a certified BOOMA SLAYER up for auction. Want to take the first step into the craft of Booma Slaying? Want to slay Hilde(bears/ts/tors) before they have the chance to pounce on you across the room? Want to make everything in Forest 1 & 2 tremble under your hands...
  3. Spuz

    Rappy Holiday Guide: The road to Hildes.

    This guide is to show you how to get to Forest 2 (asap) as an alternative hunt for Hildebears (75 in total). Here is the quest info on psow if you want to have a look. Note: If you are using the ''Walmart patch'' playing Rappy Holiday would be impossible. While you could have someone play the...

    Hildebear Heads are my friends

    Hildebreat Heads are my friends. They talk to me whenever I am playing. They tell me whenever I will get a good rare and it always turns out to be true. When I am idling in town we have conversations together. Sometimes they even talk about what is going in the lobby. They may not be attached to...