
  1. Andre Reyna Zevallos

    A> Love Heart + Safety Heart (Post-Event) (CHB:70) (Done)

    Time to auction these! Res: 10PD Countdown: 48h Reset: 24h Wants: PDs!
  2. T

    A> Heart of Samba Maracas (CHB: V502(30PD) + 10PD = 40PD)[ENDED]

    Minimum bid: 30 pds or something equivalant from the want list Countdown: 72h Wants: pds, v502, Twin Blaze, Heavenly/Mind(max 4x)
  3. Spuz

    A> Heart of Delsaber's Buster [CLOSED]

    Reserve: 50 PD Countdown: 48h: @21:24 UTC, 25/12/22 Reset: 24h CHB: @Zelpha w/70pds Minimum Bid Increment: 5pd
  4. Firkraag

    A> Safety Heart [30/50 | 12/15] [DONE]

    SOLD! to @Tenyo2 for 50 pd You can't make these with stats this high. Reserve: 50 PD Countdown: 48 Hours