
  1. Spuz

    PDA> Gizonde Merge [5/5 | 5/5] [DONE]

    CHB: @RedtheRAmar w/ 5pds Reserve: 3pds Initial CD: 48hr from bid: 20/04/22 @22:07 (UTC) Reset CD: 24hr from bid
  2. RedtheRAmar

    B> Amplifier of Gizonde

    Don't really feel like hunting one. Msg me here or on discord: RedtheRAmar#1555, @Red in Ephinea Server.
  3. waptak

    S> Gizonde lv30, 25pds (sold)

    Discord: waptak#1492
  4. brionac

    The Gizonde Glitch

    Here's a thorough guide to get through TTF more quickly when fighting Vol Opt in phase one, especially in Ultimate mode. This special technique is called the Gizonde glitch. Equip a V801 first, and use the Gizonde glitch to stun lock this boss when it tries to move through the screens. The more...
  5. Firkraag

    B> Gizonde Amp/Merge [DONE]

    bought one!
  6. Gizonde 30

    Gizonde 30
