
  1. Toujours

    A> Excalibur [0/0/0/0|20] CHB: 40 (Done)

    It served me well, now it is time for it to serve someone else. Reserve: 30pd Countdown: 72hrs Resets: 24hrs Minimum bid increment: +5pd to previous highest bidder Accepting PDs only.
  2. Toujours

    A> Tyrell's Parasol H35 clean WINNER Dubtaps (10)

    Found in VH desert of all places - better than any parasol I've gotten from PW2 lol Reserve: 1pd Countdown: 48hrs You must outbid the previous highest bidder by at least 2pd Good luck to all!
  3. Toujours

    A> Excalibur 20 hit Clean DONE 75 (Rif-Raf)

    Reserve: 20pd Countdown: 72 hrs Resets: 24 hrs Pds only, outbid by 5pd minimum please Hope this finds a good home Thanks
  4. Spuz

    A> Jizai+40 [0/0/0/0/30] [done]

    CHB: @Tsume w/20pds Reserve: 5 Initial CD: 48hr from bid: 14/08/22 @11:33 (UTC) Reset CD: 24hr from bid: Min Bid Increment: +2 If not pds, wants are as follows:
  5. Firkraag

    A> Lavis Blade [0/0/0/0|20] + Twin Blaze [0/0/0/0|20] [Sold]

    Sold! for 99 pd Reserve: 1 pd Countdown: 48 Hours
  6. Agerine

    Lavis Cannon -- 0/0/0/0|0 - CBO 14 {closed}

    Heyo, First time doin an Auction - CHB : 14 I found a Lavis Cannon that Tecked to 0/0/0/0|0 Res:13 pds cd:24 hrs (first bid) reset:24hrs
  7. RoySilverblade

    A > Diska of Braveman Clean 55h - Done for 340

    Res: 200pd Countdown: 24h Resets: 24h Looking mostly just for raw currency at the moment: Spheres 95:1 Golds 1:1 PD/Hoards Willing to accept the following: 1x v101 30 1x Adept 35 >= 65h Spirit Vulcs The end goal is to make a n/m and a ab/d baranz and i have a 90m one atm (and a 2nd clean one...
  8. Firkraag

    PDA> Lame d'Argent [0/0/0/0|20] [SOLD]

    SOLD! for 75 pd Reserve: 75 pd Countdown: 48 Hours
  9. Firkraag

    PDA> Heaven Striker [0/0/0/0|20] [SOLD]

    SOLD! for 65 pd Reserve: 50 pd Countdown: 48 Hours
  10. Spuz

    A> Vjaya 50h [Done]

    Clean Res: 30pds 48h from 1st CHB 24hr from any others CHB: