Res: 350
Countdown: 72 hours
Bid increment: +5pd minimum
Photon Drops
Photon Sphere/Photon Horde = 99PDs
Cookies = 3PDs each
-Breakpoint for HUney on unfrozen sorcerers in ruins, very reliable for HUcast (only need 3 waves to hit with any level of shifta)
-Decently reliable for frozen...
I realize the res bid on my last one was a bit high so here is a take two on my 70Hit Calibur Auction
Res bid is starting at 175
Min bid is 5 pds
Reset is 24 hours
Auction will be 72 hours starting now
Dropped this morning and looking to make some PDS.
Res bid is at 300pds.
Min Bid 5pds
Reset 24hours.
Auction time is 72 hours, starting at 4:10 P.M. PDT
Originally posted in the wrong sub-form so just leaving a link here:
Alright, after calming down and joking around on Discord after finding this very unexpected drop, it's time to talk business. After consoling similar threads I'm going to list it the following:
Res: 3500 PDs
Countdown: 72h
Reset: 48h
Timezone: UTC+02
I'll also supply a list of my current...
Slightly better than an RL calibur: +5h, -10d, +15n, would make a great 1st DF.
CHB: @Zhodoa w/10pds
Reserve: 5
Initial CD: 48hr from bid:
Reset CD: 24hr from bid: 31/05/22 @11:58 (UTC)
If not pds, wants are as follows:
Perfect RL First DF
CHB: @TheWombat w/52pds
Reserve: 50
Initial CD: 48hr from bid:
Reset CD: 24hr from bid: 04/05/2022 @13:13 (UTC)
If not pds, wants are as follows:
Sold! for 3385 pd
Reserve: 1 pd
Countdown: 72 Hours
Reset: 48 Hours
Min Bid Increment: +3%
Any item that's easy to auction @ 85% market value.
The Vjaya's were one thing, but they were bought while these Caliburs were found by me, the very rare occurrences of my good RNG.
They are...