Red Ring Rico's outfit is pretty close to how it was in the concept art, although I can't get the highlight like she has in her hair, her glasses with her haircut, or the stockings to match up color-wise. Pretty good for the most part, but could've used a little work.
Due to PSU's limited color selection for casts, pink isn't an option so I can't recreate the RAcaseal from the concept art like I can with HUcaseal. It doesn't even do the red palette swaps from PSO much justice, either. But I appreciate RAcl parts being in the game.
There's many classic PSO outfits in PSU and this is one of the best of them. The colors and style capture the aesthetic of HUcaseal's concept art very well, although there are differences between this model and the one in PSO. Overall it is very faithful to the original.
After some 629 hours of playtime on her, she finally hits level 200. I could have hit 200 last year if I wasn't so lazy, but whatever. I'm glad to have hit it at all. Believe it or not, despite me having played PSO since the DC this is the first time I've hit 200 on a char. <.<
After months of on and off hunting, never once even seeing _a_ Lame drop, things began changing for me a few days ago. I seen my first Eclair. Seen a Lame drop, albeit for someone else. And today, I fucking finally found my own Lame d'Argent drop. The stats are mediocre (0/0/20/0) but it's a Lame.
Was hunting Lame D'argent and stumbled into this. Already sold it for 20 PDs, and I could just buy a Lame or Excal with that kind of money, but I choose not to. The hunt continues.