
  1. U

    A> A Divine 70h Glide (CHB = 145) AUCTION OVER. CLOSED!

  2. X

    A> Heart of Chameleon Scythe

    Minimum opening bid: 60PD Duration: 72hrs Bid reset: 24hrs Buyout: 96PD (before First Bid) Your compatible weapon to look like this: Wants: Baranz Launcher 50H Heaven Striker with Hit Excalibur with Hit S-Rank Related Ranger Weapons
  3. K

    A> Ophelie Seize [0/0/0/0|35] (Done@8PD)

    Res: 5 Countdown: 48 Wants: PD 500K Meseta @ 1PD Gold Badge
  4. Sploink!

    A>Slicer of Fanatic 0/0/0/0/50H CLOSED (Final Bid: 500)

    Hey gang! I'm auctioning off this beauty I found on the last day of the anniversary event. Thank you Pinkal Desert for never letting me down! :D Minimum Bid: 300PD Countdown: 48 Hours (Resets: 24 Hours) Wants: I'll accept a combination of PDs (preferred), Gold Badges (1PD:1), Cookies (4PD:1)...
  5. T

    A> Heart of Samba Maracas (CHB: V502(30PD) + 10PD = 40PD)[ENDED]

    Minimum bid: 30 pds or something equivalant from the want list Countdown: 72h Wants: pds, v502, Twin Blaze, Heavenly/Mind(max 4x)
  6. L

    A > Galatine [0/0/0/30/30] [Sold]

    Res : 200PDs Countdown : 72 hours Reset : 24 hours Buyout : Psycho Wand Wants : Psycho Wand PDs
  7. H

    *A> Heart of Flamberg [CHB165]* [DONE]

    Minimum bid:150 Countdown:24 Wants PDs Good luck and have fun
  8. H

    A> Heart of Flamberge [Canceled]

    Auctioning Heart of Flamberge Minimum bid:175pds Countdown:48Hours Wants: pds Have Fun & good luck!
  9. IzzyData

    A> VJAYA [20/0/0/0/50] (CHB: 45) (Ended)

    Reserve: 45 pd Countdown: 24 Hours (Highest bid resets countdown) Wants: Photon Drops, Red Ring? ;)
  10. Amycakez


    Minimum bid: 175 Countdown: 48 hrs (Bidding Ends 5:00 PM Saturday, May 18) Wants: Psychowand, Photon Drops ~ Happy Bidding! ~
  11. U

    A> Diska +3 [0/0/0/0|80] [CHB:61] Auction Over. CLOSED

    CLOSED Good for Rainbow Baton. Minimum Bid: 5PD Current Highest Bid: 61PDs Wants: PDs PCs (1:1) Event Eggs (2:1) Slicer of Fanatic 30h-35h
  12. Nayu

    A> Red Ring [78/85] [10/25]

    Minimum bid: 250 PD Countdown: 48h Reset: 24h Wants: PDs Low stat RR @ 65pd Hell Needle w/spec @ 80pd
  13. U

    A> Raygun [0/0/0/0|90] [CHB: 10PD] CLOSED

  14. Shiga321

    A > Madam's Umbrella 55hit

    0/0/0/0 55Hit Madam's umbrella. (マダムの傘) What are you going to do when it rains? What are you to do if your team is distant and the buff's wore off?! Here is your fix, the ole buff and smack awaits you. Minimum bid: 35 pd Buyout: 80 pd Countdown: 24 hr RESET: 24 hr Wants: PDs PS Es Rank Arrest...
  15. Donnie

    A> Charge Shot [0/0/0/0|65] CHB 10

    Reserve: 7 Countdown: ~72 hours Reset: 24 hours Minimum bid: +1pd CHB: 10 Wants: PD I have found a stylish Charge Shot [0/0/0/0|65] over Christmas in a present. Since I don't really use Charge that much, I decided for an auction. The green beams certainly make this a weapon with swagger ;-)
  16. Spuz

    A> 30x Ultimate Event Presents [END 150PD]

    Reserve Price: 1PH Countdown 48hr Reset Timer: 24hr ~ 08/01/24 @ 12:21 (UTC) Current Highest Bidder: @kisada w/150pds Minimum Bid Increment: +2pd
  17. Spuz


  18. Spuz

    A> Holy Ray [0/0/0/0/50] [END AT 202]

    Reserve Price: 150pd Countdown 48hr ~ 06/01/24 @06:38 (UTC) Reset Timer: 24hr ~ Current Highest Bidder: @Miku w/202 Minimum Bid Increment: +2pd Decided to use 1x HR in my shared instead of one per class so auctioning my extra.
  19. Bojac

    PDA> Red Ring (71/85 2/25) [Closed]

    Current Highest Bidder (CHB): Horigo with 150PD Minimum bid: 90PD Countdown: 72hrs Congratulations to @horigo for the winning bid of 150PD
  20. Spuz

    A> Excalibur [90/0/0/0/25] [Ended at 430pds]

    Reserve Price: 250pd Countdown: 48hr Reset Timer: 24hr - 28/12/2023 @16:45 UTC Current Highest Bidder: @syal w/430pds Min Bid increment: +5pd