Freshly found from an Ultimate present just now, but I won't be using it.
We'll see where it goes!
I'll list some wants, just in case. Most of these are for Delsaber Plating, so stats don't matter:
-Delsaber's Left Arm/Shield of Delsaber, 4x, 2 PDs each.
-White Paint, 2 PDs.
-Onyx Paint...
Freshly found from a Christmas Day Present just now.
I won't be using it, time for a new owner.
Res: 10 PDs.
Countdown: 48 hours.
Reset: 24 hours.
Timezone: UTC +01
Got me this DF to try and see if it's something I'd like to invest more in, only to realise I simply don't like playing that style, so putting it up there to find it a new owner.
Reserve: 50 PDs.
Countdown: 72 hours.
Reset: 24 hours.
Timezone: UTC +01
-Foie Lv. 30 disc...
DM Fodder!
CHB: @XavieR*DC* w/1pd
Reserve: 1
Initial CD: 48hr from bid: 02/06/22 @19:55 (UTC)
Reset CD: 24hr from bid:
If not pds, wants are as follows:
First time doing this so feel free to scream at me if I fucked it up somehow,good luck!
Spirit Arms by Annie posted Feb 12, 2020 at 3:20 PM
Reserve: 20 PDs
Resets: 24 Hours
Wants: PDs
Want a real fancy mantlepiece in the form of a silly ass squirtgun that shoots fire?
Wanna SSS falz and you're sick of trying to find other invul pierce weapons with decent hit?
Then damn boi do I have the inventory filler for you
(Burning special, 0/0/0/0/65)
Minimum Bid: 5pd
*Winner: Spuz...