55 hit

  1. Spuz

    A> M&A60 Vises [0/0/0/0/55h] [CLOSED]

    Reserve Price: 20pd Countdown 48hr ~ Timer started @15:07 UTC 12/08/23 Reset Timer: 24hr ~ Current Highest Bidder: @ppz2001 w/30pds Minimum Bid Increment: 2pd
  2. Xhutaz

    A> Red Sword 0/0/0/0| 55h [CHB: 170] [Done]

    A> Red Sword 0/0/0/0| 55h Res: 30 PDs CD: 24 Hours Reset: 24 Hours Accepting: PDs PH: 99 PDs PS: 95 PDs Baranz Launcher 50h : 60 PDs
  3. Firkraag

    A> Diska of Braveman [0/0/0/20|55] [DONE]

    SOLD! to @isaksson for 220 pd! Reserve: 174 pd Countdown: 48 Hours I'll accept spheres as part of the bid @ 98 pd each.
  4. Alterbaus

    A> Vjaya [Charge] [20/15/0/0|55] (Closed @ 210)

    Up for auction is this thicc boi down here: reserve: 125 PD countdown: 48H Resets: 24H Accepting: Photon Drops Photon Hoard Photon Sphere @ 98 Wants: v101 @ 25 v502 @ 25 Red Ring - Min Stat @ 50 PD Excalibur - 15H @ 30 PD ARREST Needle @ 40PD w/o special, 90PD w/ Arrest special
  5. Argajag

    A> Diska of Braveman 0/0/0/30|55 (DONE 200 PDs)

    Welcome, Newearls and Gentlecasts! Are you yearning for a new great Braveman with M/D room for your Hunter? Are you so tired of seeing all these trash items with only a little or no hit up for auction? ... Are you also burdened by too many photon drops in your storage? Then look no further...