Reserve Price: 150pd
Countdown 48hr ~ 06/01/24 @06:38 (UTC)
Reset Timer: 24hr ~
Current Highest Bidder: @Miku w/202
Minimum Bid Increment: +2pd
Decided to use 1x HR in my shared instead of one per class so auctioning my extra.
CHB: @Tsume w/450pds
Reserve: 50
Initial CD: 72hr from bid:
Reset CD: 24hr from bid: 17/08/22 @20:14 (UTC)
Min Bid Increment: +5
If not pds, wants are as follows:
CHB: @Percival w/90pds
Reserve: 60
Minimum bid Increments: +5pds
Initial CD: 72hr from bid: 30/06/22 @04:38 (UTC)
Reset CD: 24hr from bid:
If not pds, wants are as follows:
Perfect RL First DF
CHB: @TheWombat w/52pds
Reserve: 50
Initial CD: 48hr from bid:
Reset CD: 24hr from bid: 04/05/2022 @13:13 (UTC)
If not pds, wants are as follows:
Sold! for 650
Reserve: 1
Countdown: 48 Hours
Any item that's easy to sell or auction, if it's worth more than your bid I'll pay you the difference.
Spheres, Cookies 4 pd
DONE! :wacko:
I offer 15 PH for this, I also have some items that I may give as part of the trade:
Spread Needle [Seize] [25/0/0/0|45]
Heaven Punisher [0/0/0/35|15]
I'll also fully pay for any spheres put into M/D.
Required to not have ab% or m%, I'll take any combination of n/d or clean.
I offer 1 PH and my 0/0/0/0|40 Red Sword for it, or pd's only for 45H, at 50+ we can discuss..