
  1. Spuz

    A> Holy Ray [0/0/0/0/50] [END AT 202]

    Reserve Price: 150pd Countdown 48hr ~ 06/01/24 @06:38 (UTC) Reset Timer: 24hr ~ Current Highest Bidder: @Miku w/202 Minimum Bid Increment: +2pd Decided to use 1x HR in my shared instead of one per class so auctioning my extra.
  2. Spuz

    A> Vjaya [0/30/0/0/50] [CLOSED]

    Reserve: 80pd Countdown: 48hr - @07:56 UTC, 31/12/22 Reset: 24hr CHB: @brnnub w/80pds Minimum Bid Increment: +3pd
  3. Talon

    A> Red Handgun [0/20/0/0|50] (Done @ 20pd)

    Reserve: 1pd CD: 72h Reset: 24h
  4. Spuz

    A> Yunchang+25 [0/0/30/0/50] [DONE[

    CHB: @Tsume w/450pds Reserve: 50 Initial CD: 72hr from bid: Reset CD: 24hr from bid: 17/08/22 @20:14 (UTC) Min Bid Increment: +5 If not pds, wants are as follows:
  5. Spuz

    A> Diska of Braveman +9 [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|50] [DONE]

    CHB: @Percival w/90pds Reserve: 60 Minimum bid Increments: +5pds Initial CD: 72hr from bid: 30/06/22 @04:38 (UTC) Reset CD: 24hr from bid: If not pds, wants are as follows:
  6. Spuz

    A> Calibur [Berserk] [50/0/50/0|50] [DONE]

    CHB: @Star_Magician w/2pds Reserve: 1 Initial CD: 48hr from bid: Reset CD: 24hr from bid: 11/06/22 @10:56 (UTC) If not pds, wants are as follows:
  7. Spuz

    A> Dark Flow [0/0/50/50|50] [DONE]

    Perfect RL First DF CHB: @TheWombat w/52pds Reserve: 50 Initial CD: 48hr from bid: Reset CD: 24hr from bid: 04/05/2022 @13:13 (UTC) If not pds, wants are as follows:
  8. Spuz

    A>Baranz Launcher +30 [Charge] [0/0/0/0|50] [DONE]

    CHB: @Zelpha w/ PGF Reserve: 40pds Initial CD: 48hr from bid: 18/04/22 @22:22 (UTC) Reset CD: 24hr from bid If not pds, wants are as follows:
  9. Firkraag

    A> L&K38 Combat [0/0/0/100|50] [Sold]

    Sold! for 650 Reserve: 1 Countdown: 48 Hours Wants: Any item that's easy to sell or auction, if it's worth more than your bid I'll pay you the difference. Spheres, Cookies 4 pd
  10. Firkraag

    A> Scavenger 50-60H [SOLD]

    SOLD! to @Yuffie for 33 pd Reserve: 29 pd Countdown: 24 hours PC 1:1
  11. Firkraag

    A> Berdysh [0/0/0/0|50] [SOLD]

    SOLD! for 50 pd Reserve: 1 pd Countdown: 24 hours PS @ 99 PC 1:1 Gold 1:1
  12. Firkraag

    A> Kusanagi [0/0/0/0|50] [SOLD]

    SOLD! For 21 pd! Reserve: 1 pd Countdown: 24 Hours PS @ 99 PC 1:1 Gold 1:1
  13. Firkraag

    A> Diska of Braveman [0/0/25/0|50] [SOLD]

    SOLD! for 150 pd Reserve: 99 pd Countdown: 36 Hours
  14. Firkraag

    PDA> Sange & Yasha [0/15/0/100|50] [SOLD]

    SOLD! for 140 pd Reserve: 140 pd (spheres 99 pd) Countdown: 36 Hours
  15. Spuz

    A> Vjaya 50h [Done]

    Clean Res: 30pds 48h from 1st CHB 24hr from any others CHB:
  16. Firkraag

    B> 50H Daylight Scar [DONE]

    DONE! :wacko: I offer 15 PH for this, I also have some items that I may give as part of the trade: Spread Needle [Seize] [25/0/0/0|45] Heaven Punisher [0/0/0/35|15] I'll also fully pay for any spheres put into M/D.
  17. Firkraag

    B> Red Sword 45+ Hit

    Required to not have ab% or m%, I'll take any combination of n/d or clean. I offer 1 PH and my 0/0/0/0|40 Red Sword for it, or pd's only for 45H, at 50+ we can discuss..
  18. Alterbaus

    A> Plantain Leaf [0/0/0/0|50] (Closed @ 10 PD)

    Reserve: 10PD Countdown: 48hrs Reset: 24hrs
  19. Rotxy2

    A> Sange&Yasha [ENDED]

    Accepting: PD's RR - value depends on stats Reserve: 60 pds Countdow: 48 hours Current CHB: Auction has been extended to another 24hrs again!
  20. Tidus

    B> Hell Laser 50h 1PD [Completed]
