Bought this at an auction quite some time ago. Used it once, been collecting dust ever since. Someone else might get more use out of it.
Reserve: 1 PD
Countdown: 48 hours
Reset: 24 hours
Timezone: UTC+01
Deciding to sell this bad boy
Res: 300PD
Countdown: 48 hours
Reset: 24 hours
PS Valued at 99 PD
Heaven Punisher, any %s (low percents / no hit valued at 300pd, don't care about one with hit TBH)
PS = PH = 99 PD
Got my numbers mixed up, will accept a stack of pcs as a stack of...
CHB: @Dummy w/35pds
Reserve: 15
Minimum bid increment:: +2
Initial CD: 72hr from bid:
Reset CD: 24hr from bid: 06/07/22 @10:58 (UTC)
If not pds, wants are as follows: