Search results

  1. Tsuki

    DXY's Trade List

    Hi, if you still have Slicer of Fanatic [0/15/0/0|25] - 8pd, I would like to purchase it. Would some Gold Badges be good for trade for you?
  2. Tsuki

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Joined around this time last year, it's been almost a year, haven't played in some time, came back for the event.... And finally... Finally. There it is. Back in the days, I didn't even know more than like level 40-50 ish playing on my gamecube, never would have known 200 was possible. But there...
  3. Tsuki

    Team MOTHERBRAIN (équipe francophone)

    C'est toujours un grand jour quand je vois : Mon nom dans une banière!!
  4. Tsuki

    Team MOTHERBRAIN (équipe francophone)

    Ah oui, mon shop, je l'ouvre parfois entre deux aventures. :) (j'ai aussi une sorte de cannon/RP que tous mes personnages sont la même personne, juste différent habits) (also I'm a dork)
  5. Tsuki

    Team MOTHERBRAIN (équipe francophone)

    (Je le post ici aussi...) Bonjour. C'est moi, Tsuki. Je suis effectivement québécoise, je jouais assez activement il y a une couple de mois, mais j'ai été très occupée dans ma vie privée, mais donc me revoila. Je jouais dans une autre team avant mais elle est assez silencieuse depuis longtemps...
  6. Tsuki

    Welcome to the Café Mag Shop!

    Jester has been busy and now my modem has exploded, waiting for a tech guy to replace it so I am without internet for a few days, apologies for the delay on all mag related things.
  7. Tsuki

    Welcome to the Café Mag Shop!

    Oh yeah sure, I can do that for you. Let me know when is a good time for you to transfer it.
  8. Tsuki

    Welcome to the Café Mag Shop!

    Oh no I would get paid by delivery. I would feel bad if I ended up not delivering.
  9. Tsuki

    Welcome to the Café Mag Shop!

    Sure thing, I'll start working on this when I have some free time. I think I do have a Cell of Mag 502 for Pitri somewhere.
  10. Tsuki

    What's the story behind your name?

    I used to go by a different name online, and I hated it (everyone thought I was a guy. Turns out, it wasn't the username, just that everyone thinks you're male online, even more so in the early days of the interwebs...) Anyway... I am a huge weeb and I love japan and the moon. Tsuki 月 means...
  11. Tsuki

    Team Golden

    :cool: Reviving this thread a bit, hello Team Golden, your favorite local little pocket FO here. Now with my work schedule, I am sadly WAY less available for gaming. (and also am Canadian so I'm like 6 hours behind Donnie's time) so when I finish work and am home, it's like 5 pm (And not...
  12. Tsuki

    Welcome to the Café Mag Shop!

    It depends what stats / Photon Blasts you want on it, and what level? (I realize now I should have opened this store with way more mags "ready to evolve"... )
  13. Tsuki

    Yes, I drew it myself :D

    Yes, I drew it myself :D
  14. Tsuki

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    I just joined a CF4-Viri, I thought, heh, it was going to be just a "normal" run. OH was I wrong. I have never seen this many drops. O_O 7 PDs, 2 Presents, 3 Final Impacts, Gratia, Rage D'ame, Flame Visit!!! Thanks for having along on this fantastic run! WOWWEEE!!
  15. Tsuki

    View Your Character Data! (キャラクターデータを閲覧できるようになりました!)

    I use this all the time now, thank you so much for this feature :)
  16. Tsuki

    Green's Trade List

    こんにちは If you still have a Brave Hammer on sale, I will buy for 1 PD. ありがとう
  17. Tsuki

    Claire's Deal not accepting items

    I am here, a year later, having the same issue. I can confirm that -EQUIPPING- the items and then unequipping and then trading them fixed the issue for TP/Resurrection. If someone else looking through this thread encounters the same issue. Cheers!
  18. Tsuki

    Welcome to the Café Mag Shop!

    It is done! Sorry for the slight delay, getting its DEF up was way more tedious than I originally expected. But there is it, Cyan Agastya, 60/0/20/120, Farlla, Twins and Golla, as requested!
  19. Tsuki

    Welcome to the Café Mag Shop!

    40 levels left, hopefully should be done by then. I think I have around 3 hours left of feeding.
  20. Tsuki

    Welcome to the Café Mag Shop!

    It will be done by today. In a few hours. All it needs now it just Difluids until 120 MND (and it will re-raise it's IQ back to 200)