Search results

  1. J

    Team MOTHERBRAIN (équipe francophone)

    Salut, perso j'ai pas vraiment de temps libre en ce moment avec les 2 petits 6 mois et 22 mois c'est à temps plein. J'étais plus dispo pendant les vacances d'été parce que comme j'étais en congé pat' je pouvais me permettre d'avoir une hygiène de sommeil déplorable mais avec la reprise du boulot...
  2. J

    Team MOTHERBRAIN (équipe francophone)

    Va falloir que je level un peu avant parce que foret et caves ça va mais mines et ruines je vais me faire ouvrir en deux si on se sépare. L'autre problème c'est de trouver du temps pour jouer ^^
  3. J

    Team MOTHERBRAIN (équipe francophone)

    C'est le genre de truc où il faut avoir tout planifié à l'avance en plus non ? Genre optimiser à fond connaître les spawns etc.
  4. J

    8th Anniversary Event Thread

    Yes then it should give me 12100×1.9=22990 but I get 26436. Not that I complain about getting too much xp, I'm just trying to understand. When I do the calculation with the mobs I get the expected result.
  5. J

    8th Anniversary Event Thread

    Ah so that was indeed a noob question ! Edit: Well it is still strange that the xp in anguish 1 was that much then. If the boost is 190 it should give 12100×1.9 = 22990 and if it is in fact 1.7 and then the 20% from anguish it should be 12100×1.7×1.2 = 24684 but I get 26436.
  6. J

    8th Anniversary Event Thread

    Hello, Maybe this is a noob question but I was wondering how the experience boost worked ? Because I tried killing the dragon in ultimate, from the wiki the XP is 15900 so I expect to have 15900*1.7 (the boost is 170%) so 27030xp but only get 20470. I tried to kill it in anguish 1 where the...
  7. J

    Team MOTHERBRAIN (équipe francophone)

    Reste à trouver 20 francophones sur le serveur !
  8. J

    DXY's Trade List

    Hi it's me again ! Can I have this one : Heaven Striker [25/0/20/0|0] - 2pd ?
  9. J

    Team MOTHERBRAIN (équipe francophone)

    Je savais pas que Terence Tao traînait sur ce forum
  10. J

    DXY's Trade List

    Can I have one heavenly/battle please ?
  11. J

    Team MOTHERBRAIN (équipe francophone)

    Ah ba justement j'avais arrêté de jouer à pso après avoir rage quit à cause de ce truc alors que je venais de drop un rouge ! 20 ans plus tard je vais pouvoir me venger !
  12. J

    Quest edit question

    Aaah ok you can't add it just for yourself ! Thanks for the answer
  13. J

    Quest edit question

    Hi, While roaming the forums I saw a tool named Qedit but I'm wondering: couldn't it be used as an exploit for farming ? Like everyone use TTF for xp but you could design an even more efficient run by looping on a boss. Or to farm an object just do a single room with "infinite" waves of the...
  14. J


    I play RAmar I'm lvl15 ATM I used to play HUmar on the gc I had a lvl100+ I don't remember exactly. I just met with someone who sold me the FS he gave me a bunch of freebies to go with it :D
  15. J


    How do we proceed ? It's my first time trading.
  16. J


    Hi I'm interested in the frozen shooter and the free meteor smash I found my first PD today : D
  17. J


    Hi, I'm new here ! I used to play this game on the gamecube when i was a teenager without an internet connection and while looking for it randomely I found this server so I registered and here I am ! Actually I just found a photon drop on my way to the dragon I think I just lucked out, what...