Search results

  1. AssSlapper

    A> RED RING 8 20 (CHB:35)

  2. AssSlapper

    A> Safety Heart [46/50] [1/15] CHB: 24

    Build your tanky fomarl of your dreams today! Countdown: 48h Reset: 24h Reserve: 1pd wants: PD 1:1 Coal 1:8 Cookie 1:5 meseta 1:500k
  3. AssSlapper

    A> Black King Bar [0/100/0/100] 55HIT]] CHB: END

    auction is over, dm me here or on discord to pick up :)
  4. AssSlapper

    Red Ring [82/85 | 21/25] (SOLD! 420PD)

  5. AssSlapper

    Red Ring [82/85 | 21/25] (SOLD! 420PD)

  6. AssSlapper

    A> Black King Bar [0/100/0/100] 55HIT]] CHB: END

    Countdown begins, gl!
  7. AssSlapper

    A> Black King Bar [0/100/0/100] 55HIT]] CHB: END

    RES: 1PD Countdown: 72 hours Reset: 24 hours wants: Red sword over 50 Hit Slicer of the fanatic over 45 hit DLS 40-45 hit L&K38 Combat 60+ Hit with room for machine = buyout PD 1:1 Coal 1:8 Cookie 1:5 meseta 1:500k GL to a new double saber wielding monster :)
  8. AssSlapper


    oh wow that was quick, message me on discord please :)
  9. AssSlapper


  10. AssSlapper

    A> Genpei [0/0 | 0/0]

    I win?
  11. AssSlapper

    A> Genpei [0/0 | 0/0]

    1 pee dee