Search results

  1. Grizzly

    Red Ring [82/85 | 21/25]! (CHB: 420)

  2. Grizzly

    Red Ring [82/85 | 21/25]! (CHB: 420)

  3. Grizzly

    A> Frozen Shooter 0/0/0/0/60H

    Countdown doesn't start until the first bid is placed and auctions do not expire if there is no bids. Unless you specify that this is no longer active there is no need to re post it. It'll just sit here until it's canceled or until the res Is lowered
  4. Grizzly

    Grizzly's Shop

  5. Grizzly

    Grizzly's Shop

    large update & lowered some prices. select es weapons are available again with and without specials
  6. Grizzly

    Worst Pwand in all of PSO 0/-5/-5/-5 (closed)

  7. Grizzly

    Requesting a review of RBR on behalf of many community members.

    While I agree that quest development would help with variety, a more glaring issue is that we're not fully using what we have available already. If we exclude gov, shop, solo and event quests there is 153 quests in the other categories. RBR currently only has 58 quests on it. It doesn't seem...
  8. Grizzly

    Requesting a review of RBR on behalf of many community members.

    RBR was an excellent solution to the monthly HBR monotony. Many people agree though that while HBR rates were insane in hindsight, lowering the boosts to their current rates was a significant blow to some of the "weaker" quests on the list. It would be very nice to see some kind of rework that...
  9. Grizzly

    Grizzly's Shop

    updated and lowered some prices
  10. Grizzly

    Ephinea Christmas 2024 Event Thread

    ult presents- demons blaster 65h demons sniper 70h charge cannon 60h spirit TypeSW/J-Sword
  11. Grizzly

    Grizzly's Shop

  12. Grizzly

    A>Handgun [Hell] [0/0/0/0|65]- cancelled

  13. Grizzly

    A> Diska of Braveman [30/0/0/0|55]

  14. Grizzly

    Grizzly's Shop

    added items and lowered prices
  15. Grizzly

    b> from the Depths

  16. Grizzly

    A>Rabarta Merge [5/5|5/5] CHB: 5

    res- 1pd cd- 48hr reset- 24hr