Search results

  1. muesli

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Were government quest been reset in recent times? I cant add hit to my enemy weapons and I've done so before. With none of my characters, wth?
  2. muesli


    Hi, gladly. What is your time zone? Sorry, my title was misleading, i meant to sell for 20ps OR a Flowens84 with hit
  3. muesli


    Timezone GMT+1 hit me up
  4. muesli


    As title says, pls add your timezone so we can meet at a proper time!
  5. muesli

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    How to find rare stuff for dummies.... You dont event know it exists. Dont even know if its worth something but kinda cool. Rarest Epsioln drop on ult. :D
  6. muesli

    After long hiatus, cant log in-

    Thank you very much!
  7. muesli

    After long hiatus, cant log in-

    Sadly i could not find anything in the faq or the forums, at least not with my searches. On Windows 10. After some years I want to come back an play som BB but during the login screen I get "usernamer or password incorrect". Shouldn't it be the same as my login here on the forums? I checked...
  8. muesli

    PSOBB Addon Plugin (Lua UI addons)

    Hey im trying to get the item reader to run on a fresh W11 installation but when I put the file : dinput8.dll in my game folder the game doestn start properly anymore. Then it request msvcp140.dll and vcruntime.dll If I download and put them in my game directory it finds the files but now I get...
  9. muesli

    Episode 2 Challenge Mode Guides

    Very cool, as soon as we get to try the stages I will post how well it worked!
  10. muesli

    PSO (GC) Ep.1&2 "Dreamcube" UI / Skin

    Looking cool! Does this work on PSO BB?
  11. muesli

    B> V502 done

    To send enemies to hell.
  12. muesli

    2 Cmode Nubs are looking for starting help.

    We're 2 cmode newbies desperately needing some Sranks. We're looking for some experienced players(singualar or plural). No speedrun just Sranks. Hucast and Huney Looking forward to your guidance!
  13. muesli

    A> Perfect Black Odoshi Domaru 1Slot (CHB:@nina@ 3) DONE

    Congratulations you've won. Ill contact you.
  14. muesli

    A> Perfect Black Odoshi Domaru 1Slot (CHB:@nina@ 3) DONE

    CHB countdown reset with ninas post
  15. muesli

    A> Perfect Black Odoshi Domaru 1Slot (CHB:@nina@ 3) DONE

    Res: 1pd Time: 48h Reset: 24h Only for the truly enlightened collectors of finest craftsmanship.
  16. muesli

    A> Grants 30! (CHB: 40, griffeni) (closed)

    Congratulations you've won!