Search results

  1. Madstokie

    Cannot get the game to launch on Windows 10

    Hi, I played this version of the game many times about 18 months ago and since returning, I can't get the game to launch. I have tried to put the game into Windows XP Service Pack 2 compatibility without any success. Could one of you please help me to return to this game? My PC uses: Windows...
  2. Madstokie

    Creating a Quest with QEdit

    Brilliant! Thanks again for this fantastic guide!
  3. Madstokie

    ...o O (must stop spamming Wrath of Forest...The Genocide of woodland creatures weighs on my soul!)

    ...o O (must stop spamming Wrath of Forest...The Genocide of woodland creatures weighs on my soul!)
  4. Madstokie

    Vin's Trade Shop

    Deal, I'll be on tonight
  5. Madstokie

    Vin's Trade Shop

    I could do with the God arm, how much?
  6. Madstokie

    Antonymous Tradelist 9/5/2016

    I'm interested in your HP, TP and Mind mats. What kind of price do you want for them?
  7. Madstokie

    Congratulations on 10 million kills!

    Fantastic news! Thank you again for the best PSO experience.... ever! (Especially compared to the 'official' experience) Just a question though: If the community breaks the goals for this week (such as the 108% double xp goal) would this be activated as usual? Thanks
  8. Madstokie

    Looking for people to play with

    If you're in it, it can't be amazing ;)
  9. Madstokie

    Hello there!

    It still amazes me to this day that Dreamcast players not only saw their way through the online nightmare experience but come back 15 years later to play it again under better circumstances! I'm a DC vet myself and I applaud your choice to come back! You've picked the best server around so have...
  10. Madstokie

    Coren Crash Bug

    Glad I could help :) I'm having a great time on here so thanks for everything!
  11. Madstokie

    Coren Crash Bug

    Hi, Just to let you know that as of 2am (UTC), a crash immediately happens as you speak to Coren. The circumstances were: Episode 2 Ultimate Difficulty Fodra Server 1 Normal Mode Game was without password I'm using Windows 10 at present. I hope this helps.
  12. Madstokie

    hella tradez [2016/03/01]

    Great, I'll hunt you down :)
  13. Madstokie

    Gonna hit 200 this time.

    Level 200? Only 1 character? A night's work at most! ...DISCLAIMER... This quote may be a fat lie told by a charlatan... Welcome! I always gave up at 180 ish so I feel your fight! Now let me feel your passion! Let's hear a mighty roar! ....squeak.... Look me up if you want any basic freebies...
  14. Madstokie

    hella tradez [2016/03/01]

    Ok :) is 300k and a pd ok?
  15. Madstokie

    hella tradez [2016/03/01]

    Sounds good. I have 1pd but plenty of meseta. How much meseta is 1pd worth to you?
  16. Madstokie

    hella tradez [2016/03/01]

    How much for the heavenly mind?
  17. Madstokie

    <--- Recently charged with 1,290,094 counts of Rappy Murder - Let off with a warning.

    <--- Recently charged with 1,290,094 counts of Rappy Murder - Let off with a warning.
  18. Madstokie

    <--- Recently charged with 1,290,094 counts of Rappy Murder2 hours community service

    <--- Recently charged with 1,290,094 counts of Rappy Murder2 hours community service
  19. Madstokie

    Looking for people to play with

    Welcome to Ephinea! I agree with you entirely on the social front for this game. Although I know a few individuals and I have a long term friend on here, soloing Wrath of Forest for the billionth time can wear thin after a while. Feel free to look me up. My characters are madstokie /...
  20. Madstokie

    How do /you/ control this game personally?

    I have to admit in my case that a controller is far better than a keyboard any day of the week. As my main character is a Force, using an Xbox one controller with Xpadder is fantastic. I have Shifta, Deband, Zalure and Jellen assigned to the right stick, along with all 10 shortcuts being...