Search results

  1. Ame

    A> Kasami Bracer [50/50 | 13/15] [Sold]

  2. Ame

    Lurmy shop

    Gizonde Lv30 35 Grants Lv30 35 Please.
  3. Ame

    A> razonde 30. {CHB 40} closed

  4. Ame

    B> Perfect Red Barrier/Gifoie Merge

    Per title. I'll pay with 20/35 PDs. Thanks!
  5. Ame

    Ironhide's Emporium [6/18/2023]

    Yasminkov9000M [0/0/20/25|20] - 15PD This one, please. :)
  6. Ame

    B> Meseta

    I have about 40m. If you need. :D
  7. Ame

    B> Wand/Staff/Baton/Scepter with 60H or higher

    Sorry cannot get in now. Will PM you tomorrow.
  8. Ame

    Razakel's Ye Ol' Supermarket

    TP Material x55 1PD for 3 mats / 100.000 Meseta for 1 mat Book of Hitogata 5 PD Can I pay with 5,500,000 Meseta and 5 PDs?
  9. Ame

    B> Wand/Staff/Baton/Scepter with 60H or higher

    I have a scepter with 60h. Can give it to you.
  10. Ame

    B>CAL/DF room M/D 70+Hit

    S>Spirit Striker 0/25/0/40/80Hit - 15PD Please.
  11. Ame

    Arsuru's Surplus | S-Ranks & More

    Calibur +3 [Burning] [30/0/35/0|60] – 20 Calibur [Arrest] [40/0/0/55|55] Please lmk the prices for these 2 items. Thanks. :)
  12. Ame

    Lurmy shop

    Calibur +7 [Freeze] [0/0/40/0|60] 6 Thirteen [8/8 | 7/8] [4S] 6 Please.
  13. Ame

    T/B> Daylight Scar H55+ or Charge Raygun H90+ [DONE]

    Found a charge raygun. Closed.
  14. Ame

    Untekked SJS/未鑑定封印ノダチ 10/0/0/0|0 CHB: 280 - momoaiqq365

    You won the auction. Please lmk when it is available. Thanks!
  15. Ame

    Untekked SJS/未鑑定封印ノダチ 10/0/0/0|0 CHB: 280 - momoaiqq365

    Thanks for your bid. But sorry, I think the auction has already ended at 8:38 AM. :) The winner is momoaiqq365.
  16. Ame

    petal supply

    Sorry just got the message. Please lmk when it is possible.
  17. Ame

    T/B> Daylight Scar H55+ or Charge Raygun H90+ [DONE]

    Looking for DLS H55+, has spaces for Native%+Dark% or Charge Raygun H90+, has space for Dark% I can use N100H35 Excalibur / PDs (negotiable) to trade. Thanks. :)