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  1. Spuz

    Ephinea Challenge Mode Records

    Been sorting some old pics/videos & found a few runs~ ------------------- We also hit our goal for the current 1c4 runs: 1c4: 4p - 16'42 @Hardwood (FOnm), @Toujours (FOnl), @Spuz (HUct), @Wiluite (HUcl) - 06/11/24 - (Screenshot, Spuz's Video) Had another 2x session with Toujour this time...
  2. Spuz

    Ephinea Challenge Mode Records

    1c4: 4p - 17'20 @Hardwood (FOnm), @Spuz (HUct), @Schranko (FOnl), @Wiluite (HUcl) - 29/10/24 - (Screenshot) Good session today. We had a +17 in this session where we got to 2 rooms before the boss with decent gear around 13'00 - 13'30 but then I dc'd which was sad. Then we found this +21...
  3. Spuz

    Ephinea Challenge Mode Records

    1c4: 4p - 18'18 @Hardwood (FOnm), @staxx (HUcl), @Spuz (FOnl), @Wiluite (HUct) - 28/10/24 - (Screenshot) More runs coming so no video yet but this was a good start. Aiming for Sub '17 as a maximum.
  4. Spuz

    Ephinea Challenge Mode Records

    Congrats guys, that's awesome. Going to watch this now. That makes all of the 4p E2 times known WR held on Ephinea! Completely opposite from 4P E1 which is currently 0/9 WR - Hopefully some soon! 2P btw is missing 1c7, 2c4, 2c5 for known WR on Ephinea.
  5. Spuz

    Since Discord disabled my email (but did nothing about the hacker) I have finally stopped being...

    Since Discord disabled my email (but did nothing about the hacker) I have finally stopped being lazy and made a new Discord spuz_3 I'll be sorting out discords and joining them all again soon.
  6. Spuz

    A> Diska of Braveman [95/0/0/15|0] [Done @ 3]

    When the RAmar pulls out a DoB :cool:
  7. Spuz

    Picking up PSO Again - Quick Tips

    Also, the section IDs have been balanced well, every ID is useful somewhere. Like Dman said if you plan to solo a lot then sec id matters more. This is why people often make an ID on a character that is good in an area (rather than specifically what items you need). For example, Forces are great...
  8. Spuz

    Picking up PSO Again - Quick Tips

    Ephinea has a wiki now. Example for RAmarl: (top of the page is a guide link also to another RAmarl page). It's not perfect and is always a wip from the community and staff but it is excellent and should have most if not all information you are looking for; so...
  9. Spuz

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I can confirm it does. 1000+ for 1/370 isn't that bad really probability-wise. RNG is a cruel mistress.
  10. Spuz


    It happens! I will have it back soon (hopefully)
  11. Spuz


    No idea about Apple products personally. Glad you got sorted what you wanted.
  12. Spuz

    Not yet

    Not yet
  13. Spuz

    [Problem]. Emoji’s not working

    I don't think you can use external emojis or anything like that here. Just the ones on the menu:
  14. Spuz


    If you dislike gimp and want to use photoshop you can go to It's a free online photoshop basically. It's got all the same stuff to use (afaik; looks the same but I am no photoshop expert). Has enough for any of my needs.
  15. Spuz

    Just in case I have been migrating all my accounts (too many accounts) from my main email to...

    Just in case I have been migrating all my accounts (too many accounts) from my main email to another email (so I can just delete that email completely).
  16. Spuz

    Well good news (kinda), I am now able to use my 2nd Discord account (they were both hacked). It...

    Well good news (kinda), I am now able to use my 2nd Discord account (they were both hacked). It is an alt I use for testing shit so it's just called Test_Acc and is only in discords I have made. But hopefully, they do the same for me on my main soon, unblock 2fa and allow me to reset my...
  17. Spuz


  18. Spuz

    I mean, I didn't have 2fa, but now it is asking me to authenticate it with an app or a code...

    I mean, I didn't have 2fa, but now it is asking me to authenticate it with an app or a code (which I do not have) in order to reset a password (I assume the hacker set that up?). Keep trying to contact Discord support but they are utterly useless. And sure I can make a new account but I would...
  19. Spuz

    @Dezor Inyan all my passwords are completely different and randomly generated for all my stuff...

    @Dezor Inyan all my passwords are completely different and randomly generated for all my stuff and require 2fa mostly. I don't think there is anything they can get from having my discord (hopefully). I worry more that someone else may get fooled is all.
  20. Spuz

    Everyone, please be aware that my discord account has currently been hacked and I have been...

    Everyone, please be aware that my discord account has currently been hacked and I have been informed that I am also sending out DM's Any mention of a game ''The First Descendant'' and that I am playing it/affiliate system is a hack! Please ignore any messages and Please block my account or kick...