Search results

  1. Argajag

    Advice for classes that don't have freeze traps or lv30 shifta

    Learn spawns, know what enemies your class is capable of taking care on your own & which ones you need assistance with. HUs can oneshot low EVP enemies such as Baranz, Belras, Zu, Mericarol and so on and so forth with Dark Flow which lets your FO & android party members deal with other threats...
  2. Argajag

    A> Heart of TypeSS/Swords chb: JC 80PDs

    90 i win
  3. Argajag

    A> Hell Laser [40/0/0/20|65] (CHB:250)

  4. Argajag

    A> Alive Aqhu [0/0/15/25|80] CHB@3

    I know one of you wants this for... some reason Reserve: 1 Countdown: 24h Reset: 24h
  5. Argajag

    A> Diska of Braveman [100/100/0/0|50] DONE@410

    Welp, this is the winning bid! Contact me at your leisure and we can begin talks to set up the trade.
  6. Argajag

    A> Diska of Braveman [100/100/0/0|50] DONE@410

    @Meecho is CHB with a bid of [reads notes] 69 PD. 47 Hours 30 Minutes remaining.
  7. Argajag

    A> Diska of Braveman [100/100/0/0|50] DONE@410

    Hello Ephinea, hope you're having a nice anniversary event - I know I am! I got my hands on an upgrade so I am auctioning off one (1) 50 Hit Native/A.Beast% Diska of Braveman, sphered & well used. What a beauty! Surely it would be perfect for, oh geez I don't know, MAE:Forest runs!? *Thirteen...
  8. Argajag

    Hot take: FOnewearl should get bonuses to Ra- techs, too

    Oh I got notified this topic is still going? I believe you are mistaken - while infamously painful to level, HUnewearl is the second best normal mode HU because she has a place in the meta as a class with access to both weapons like Vjaya & Dark Flow as well as good enough support...
  9. Argajag

    PDA> Galatine [0/25/0/0|25] DONE@40

    Reserve: 1 Countdown: 24 Hours Reset: 24 Hours ok go
  10. Argajag

    A>Grants Lv.30

  11. Argajag

    Hot take: FOnewearl should get bonuses to Ra- techs, too

    The actual reason people pick FOnwl is not because they read the in-game class description & went "ah, so this is the best nuking class", it is because they are dirty perverts. Do not be swayed.
  12. Argajag

    A> Heart of Yasminkov 9000M DONE@110

    This is the winning bid! Congratulations, DM me on Discord when you want to set up the trade.
  13. Argajag

    A> Heart of Yasminkov 9000M DONE@110

    New CHB, the 24 reset has kicked in with the above post.
  14. Argajag

    A> Heart of Yasminkov 9000M DONE@110

    New CHB, 52 Hours remaining.
  15. Argajag

    A> Heart of Yasminkov 9000M DONE@110

    CHB, countdown started.