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  1. Mome Chomsky

    China was right about social media

    China was right about social media
  2. Mome Chomsky

    Favourite weapon SFX?

    Striker of chao
  3. Mome Chomsky

    What Games Are You Playing?

    2009scape It's not perfect but it's definitely refreshing to play after seeing what oldschool runescape and that community have become.
  4. Mome Chomsky

    Hot take: FOnewearl should get bonuses to Ra- techs, too

    I don't think it's ever a "hot take" to make a suggestion to buff something you like in a game lol. That's pretty much what everyone does within 5 minutes of learning that what they like isn't the best.
  5. Mome Chomsky

    Paying your party's restock bills when using Dark Flow.

    If you talk to the lady at the quest counter she should give you some money that helps to cover the cost :)
  6. Mome Chomsky

    PSO and PSO Community Appreciation Thread

    PSO was one of the few games I could ever really get into, and probably the only online community I've ever really had any sort of meaningful interaction with. I guess I was "mostly done" with the game before ephinea really started, but it's cool to see that it's still active.
  7. Mome Chomsky

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Only took me 7 months to get to ult
  8. Mome Chomsky

    Lack of functional quick chat was the best thing about schtserv

    Lack of functional quick chat was the best thing about schtserv
  9. Mome Chomsky

    What are you listening to?

  10. Mome Chomsky

    When is offering help/advice warranted versus toxic?

    I don't think it's ever 'toxic' unless you're giving bad advice and being really adamant that it's good advice. Giving advice to people who don't ask for it probably isn't that helpful either though.
  11. Mome Chomsky

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    In classic mode pog
  12. Mome Chomsky

    I'm too acoustic to do anything but skilling so I wouldn't know lol. But I thought of using the...

    I'm too acoustic to do anything but skilling so I wouldn't know lol. But I thought of using the "Rose" track after u killz falz
  13. Mome Chomsky

    Thinking about making a runescape ogg pack for pso is that cringe

    Thinking about making a runescape ogg pack for pso is that cringe
  14. Mome Chomsky

    overly long thread about modsectionid and information changes relating to beginners

    I think section ID choices in this game are too subjective to need a guide that goes beyond listing raw game data. And in all honestly what ID you use hardly matters unless you refuse to trade and/or play in games created by other players.
  15. Mome Chomsky

    If you put flour and water in an instant pot and just turn it on will it make bread?

    If you put flour and water in an instant pot and just turn it on will it make bread?
  16. Mome Chomsky

    What's your favorite weapon that isn't best in slot?

    Flight fan and Ano rifle
  17. Mome Chomsky

    [OSRS]Old School RuneScape

    Yeah the RC pet is probably the best one imo. RC is such a great skill even though it seems like everyone hates it. I made an alt mostly just to do it for money/fun and haven't done much other than afk stuff and farming on my main since then lol. Kinda looking forward to the updates that are...
  18. Mome Chomsky

    [OSRS]Old School RuneScape

    Always get pets doing the most erectus things o_O
  19. Mome Chomsky

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Oldschool Runescape and Wordle