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  1. Minsc

    PSO's Info Board

    I believe my info board implies that very few would check the board.
  2. Minsc

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Christmas Presents: If I spend coal to get a present today and open it during Christmas 2024 will the resulting item be generated from the 2023 or upcoming 2024 item pool?
  3. Minsc

    Hunters Guild Window View Question

    Starting with Dreamcast Ver.2, the clouds was on Ult. Ep. I. Ep. IV is the planet view. In short, they are as they've always been. Unless something changed since the start of the event. Edit: Though, I never played BB back on the official servers so I don't know if they did things differently.
  4. Minsc

    Thanas pet store

    I'll take a Striker Unit. Discord - minsc007
  5. Minsc

    Content Creators
  6. Minsc

    The Easter Event has ended (イースターイベント終了)

    Thanks for ending it. Now I'm sitting with an annoyingly odd 79 eggs in the bank. You could have slept for another 2 hours. ;)
  7. Minsc

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Congratulations! While I aim to play legit, I'll take all the exp boosts I can. Don't know how I'd hit 200 otherwise. Adding all the exp from my DC and GC characters would still not get me enough exp for one 200. Yesterday is now 180 so I'm nearly half way there on Ephinea.
  8. Minsc

    Minsc's PSO Journal

    This morning I spent time figuring out what I was doing to raise a Sato four years ago. Eventually I re-read my old post and noticed mention of a guide on PSOworld. Pretty easy to do right now, simply feed antidotes until LVL 35. I will miss the Diwari since I do like the look of it...
  9. Minsc

    Minsc's PSO Journal

    It's safe to say my DC is likely boxed up for good. I have little ambition to do the work needed to go online. Also, Ephinea has enough QoL features that make things easier for my fast approaching middle aged self. Yesterday is now 178, the real grind is near. Just for fun I tried Ep 4 on...
  10. Minsc

    Minsc's PSO Journal

    I have considered a private blog in the past but decided for something like this I might as well just do it in a place of actual relevance to the topic at hand. I still have the not VMU but third party mem card with Minsc saved on it packed away with my DC n it's original box. Back when I was...
  11. Minsc

    Wants a little attention

    @Mustard Different playstyles I suppose.
  12. Minsc

    Wants a little attention

    Safe to say your dad played the game back 20+ years ago? Kinda crazy to think that more years have passed since I first played than now old I was at the time and people playing now are as old as I was then.
  13. Minsc

    Wants a little attention

    Welcome, hope you have a great time. If the age in your profile is accurate, you were not alive when I first began playing PSO. At the time I was 19 years old.
  14. Minsc

    Minsc's PSO Journal

    Yesterday is now LVL 177. Yesterday, I was doing a run through December Disaster when (in maybe the last room) I saw a Hildetorr standing out from the crowd. Seeing as I'm not overly educated on the drops I was curious as to what I'd get. To my surprise it was a Frozen Shooter with 20h. :)...
  15. Minsc


    Ephinea really is a gem and having so many people online is mind-blowing. The official servers were fun and had way more players but all the hacking made it a lot less open. It's great being able to hop in a random open game on here and help people out. On the official console servers I'd...
  16. Minsc

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Earlier in the year I was playing quite a bit of Minetest. On server I played on was based around the TechAge modpack. Offline I was playing the Hades mod.
  17. Minsc

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Snagged a Frozen Shooter with 20h that dropped today.
  18. Minsc

    What would a modern PSOBB remaster look like?

    From watching Glader's videos in the past it's safe to say he's a software guy so I'm using that to temper my expectations. Plus:
  19. Minsc

    What would a modern PSOBB remaster look like?

    Saw a couple days ago. I know the guy was coding the framework that could be used to make MMO's. Curious to know how much they actually have? I'm guessing it would be pretty barebones at the moment. Might have forest and some premade character types without body customization. Looking...
  20. Minsc

    What would a modern PSOBB remaster look like?

    Funny, I just had a dream tonight where I was walking through a store and there was a whole pile of DVD style game cases of some sort of PSO remake sitting on a counter. Dreams are fuzzy so all I know is it was the idea of a PSO remake or something. All but one of the cases were Playstation...