Search results

  1. Takdude

    Kumasanjurou's Shop

    Howdy, Is this HUnewearl mag still available? If so, can I purchase it? KamaBronzeDEF: 5 POW: 95 DEX: 99 MIND: 0Mylla & Youlla, Estlla, Pilla5pd
  2. Takdude

    Leonhart's little shop [Mag's]

    Howdy! Is this still available? "Kama Level: 199 [5/99/95/0] [M|E|P] [Brown]" If so, how much? I will be open for the next few days.
  3. Takdude

    Yume s Excaliburs Shop

    Hello! Can i purchase one of the Adepts - 37? DC - Takdude#7515
  4. Takdude

    ☆★☆ TRADE ☆★☆

    Good morning, I would like to purchase the following, if available: M&A60 Vise [Berserk] [0/25/0/0|40] 3 Cannon Rouge [Chaos] [0/0/0/0|0] 2 Cannon Rouge [Chaos] [0/0/0/0|0] 2
  5. Takdude


    Howdy Howdy, Can I snag this, if it still available? M&A60 Vise 15/0/45/0 [25]- 1PD
  6. Takdude

    DXY's Trade List

    Howdy howdy, If it's still open, can I buy Adept x1 - 39pd and Smartlink x1 - 2pd each?
  7. Takdude

    Gold Shop 金口店 (Only purchases of 5+PD | 5PD以上の購入のみ)

    Howdy! If these are available, can I puchased these? Tyrell's Parasol x/x/x/x |30 10pd Daylight Scar 0/15/15/0 1pd
  8. Takdude

    Grizzly's Shop

    Howdy! If V801 is still open, can I grab it? V801 8 PD
  9. Takdude

    Puff's Smurf Market

    Howdy! If they are available, can I grab these? Vivienne 0/0/25/35 -2PD Holy Ray 0/0/15/15 -1PD
  10. Takdude

    Zelpha's Emporium

    Hello! I am available now and will be for the rest of the night. I will send you a discord message from Takdude#7515
  11. Takdude

    Zelpha's Emporium

    Hello! May i grab the following? Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [7/10|6/10] 4S 3PD
  12. Takdude

    Big list of stuff!

    Hello! May i grab the following? RANGER WALL [0/10|0/10] - 2 PD SACRED CLOTH [15/50|11/20] [3S] - 2 PD
  13. Takdude

    Green's Trade List

    Hello! May I grab the following please? DISKA OF BRAVEMAN [0/0/0/0|35] - 1 BLUE ODOSHI VIOLET NIMAIDOU [1/10|0/10] [3S] - 2
  14. Takdude

    DXY's Trade List

    Hello! I am assuming the RES in Mother Garb+ [13/15|3/5] [4S] - 15 res means it is already reserved? If yes, if it isn't eventually sold, then can I grab it?
  15. Takdude

    Zelpha's Emporium

    Can I grab the Spread needle?
  16. Takdude

    Mystic's Market!

    Hello! How much for the MotherGarb+ ?
  17. Takdude

    Leonhart's little shop [Mag's]

    How much for the Mother Garb+ ?
  18. Takdude

    S > Unit & Lv200 Mag & mats

    Ok! Sounds good. I'll message again tomorrow.
  19. Takdude

    S > Unit & Lv200 Mag & mats

    Hello! If it's still available, I'm interested in *mind mats x 99 5. Please let me know when you are available, thanks!
  20. Takdude

    Cwood's Mag Shop: LV 200 Sato, Nidra, Rati, Kama, 185 Mind Mags!

    Got time now? If not, I can be on tomorrow night, maybe 9pm MST.