Search results

  1. somniloquy

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Hucast YB on VH Crush Bullet 0/35/30/35/0 in a caves 2 box good job i have a Racast that needs it. hit lvl 71 and with one addslot have 4 slot Holiness Armour found a DB's Shield as well mucho def and meh evp but perfect for Hucast. Standstill Shield 10k Coren last week !
  2. somniloquy

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I always play a single player game as well as my online adventures. currently : Bloodbowl 2 fun. someone should set it up in real life. "Life is just a game, with many ways to play. All you do is choose."
  3. somniloquy

    Game Crashing Ep2 Temple Loading

    Spec: OS is Win 7 home premium fully updated. Processor Intel i7 960 @ 3.20 Mhz quad core 12Gb ram Ge Force GTX 750 Ti not amazing but its ok Changing the fog did not help. What could be causing the bad install ? In any case I am getting new pc soon so that might help. Its funny it is...
  4. somniloquy

    Game Crashing Ep2 Temple Loading

    Hi I have reinstalled three times from scratch now. Is there any other cause apart from corrupt files ? I cannot zone between temple zones or spaceship. I am ok on ep1 ok on ep2 Island zones. Seabed was ok last time I was there but that was weeks ago. Game also completely collapses if I try...
  5. somniloquy

    What are you listening to?

    FFXI OST : currently this one :
  6. somniloquy

    Game Crashing Ep2 Temple Loading

    Every time I get to the end of the first zone and enter the teleporter for the second zone, the game crashed. This happens on all my characters in Norm, Hard and V Hard
  7. somniloquy

    "Server is Full"/Unable to connect to patch server

    A friend of mine had this problem. It may be down to antivirus or windows firewall etc etc. My friend checked all those and whitelisted psobb.exe and online.exe and also had to remove the game and download again. I think those error messages are from a distant era when connections failed more...
  8. somniloquy

    Most & Least Appealing Characters

    I like droids best. RaCast is fun to play. HuCast requires finesse but is simply aweseome. For Forces then FoNewearl for me. Killer.
  9. somniloquy

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    I got a PD from a box on Normal Caves. that was a surprise as it is not even on the Redria boxes drop chart.
  10. somniloquy

    Unlocking episode 1 quests?

    Let me be specific. If you go into one person mode then the early Forests quests are available. Clear those 3 and the others up to Gran Squall will unlock. Now you need to do Gov Quests up to the Dragon so caves are unlocked. I checked the pillar too just to make sure, on the second quest to...
  11. somniloquy

    Death Penalty

    Hmmm. Okay with this penalty as I never die anyway since I have played almost every class to max lvl. For risky farming runs at high level take scapes or put a pipe up regularly to run to and get out if you are in big trouble. Know your spawns in the megid, megid everywhere areas :D
  12. somniloquy

    Shop Scaling Issue ?

    Hi there. Thanks for looking at it. To clarify : I did not post based on one occurence but played on and have been to and from the ship via pipe many times from lvl 40 - 46 and the same thing is trtrue just to the armor. This is in normal mode not one person or anything else. I am buying...
  13. somniloquy

    Shop Scaling Issue ?

    I note that shop scaling seems off. Currently on a lvl 40 Ra in Hard difficulty the weapons look about right, pink for the most part and the occasional Lockgun appearing. Item shop seems ok even though monomates vanishing from the selection seems a bit odd. The armor/barrier/unit shop is...
  14. somniloquy

    Don't have friends? (Locked, new topic made.)

    Re: Don't have friends? I think that a bonus for multi NON quest runs would be a good idea otherwise it will be 4 ups for TTF spammage and we all know the quests with a zillion Tollaws or w/e so those rares will become a lot less rare. To be honest, better just leave it vanilla style. As for...
  15. somniloquy

    Glad to be Back

    Welcome from me too. I am also really glad to be back.
  16. somniloquy

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    3 mags in mines normal boxes during the Gov quests. Booma's arm in first room I played normal and still at level 1.
  17. somniloquy

    Best ID for each class?

    I would not recommend Pinkal as the only FO ID. Think of it like this : FO can hunt anywhere as it has many ranged options, not just the techs but some ranged weps too. FO can make armour from Spirit Garment, not always the best but good enough fur hunting and waiting for the rare drops. Also...
  18. somniloquy

    Section ID chair debate

    I like my Purplenum photon chair for my racaseal. I use it if i am afk. The worst to me are whitill and pinkal and I cant tell the diff between green and virid unless they are both in view. `````````````````
  19. somniloquy


    Hi. thanks to the team for this new server. I have not played pso since the end of GC but played DC as well. I will be soloing a lot while i get used to the game again and decide on what FO HU and RA I will play, leaving a slot free for cmode. mostly playing my Racaseal, Electra, I will...