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  1. Escutcheon

    MPX's Remnants Revamped!!! [Updates Every Mon. & Fri.]

    Can I buy.. Berdysh +25 [0/20/0/0|0] = 250k And.. Black Hound Cuirass [17/30][3s] = 2PD Please?
  2. Escutcheon


    I've just joined the Kitsune Discord and submitted my application. I'm a returning Ephinea player after... 5 or 7 years now.
  3. Escutcheon

    What anime are you currently watching?

    Currently re-watching One Piece, just started 2nd chapter. After Alabasta and before Sky Island, I'll catch up on Re:Zero SLiAW s02 and SAO:A WoU.
  4. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

    Behold, the CORE Coin! Born from the restraints of the game's 32x .BMP image quality for flag uploads, I bring you this piece of pure pixelated goodness!
  5. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

    Lol, I guess it did look more like a P than an R in the last logo. Hopefully this one is more readable overall! :D
  6. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

    I've updated the OP, and changed out all the older CORE logos for the new ones. In-game icon is next!
  7. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

  8. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

    This is a rough draft of the new CORE logo. While I'm polishing it up, let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions. Thanks!
  9. Escutcheon

    TTF S-rank reward not appearing in inventory (scapedoll)

    I got lucky enough to get S-rank first try, with me being the only HC account player. Did not receive the item, so maybe this post is more of an anti-bug; as I am no longer receiving items that I wasn't supposed to receive in the first place. :D
  10. Escutcheon

    TTF S-rank reward not appearing in inventory (scapedoll)

    If that's the case, then I feel I should mention that I've collected many scapedolls as S-rank rewards in TTFs as recently as a week ago, going back a couple years, all in hardcore mode. Maybe I have only been collecting them when being the only HC player in the party? I've been helping my...
  11. Escutcheon

    TTF S-rank reward not appearing in inventory (scapedoll)

    The last few TTFs that I've ran and completed with an S-rank have not been rewarding me with an item. I do play using a hardcore account, but I've never had issues receiving the scapedoll reward before. Is this a recent change to limit scapedoll accumulation?
  12. Escutcheon

    B> Stealth Kit: 15 PDs (TRADE COMPLETE)

    I don't mind, but thanks for the head's up. Also, go Dawgs!
  13. Escutcheon

    B> Stealth Kit: 15 PDs (TRADE COMPLETE)

    Message me here or on Discord (Escutcheon#6685). Thanks! Edit: Trade complete!
  14. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

    I'm going to start creating a new design for CORE's emblem and banner. I've learned a lot about graphic design since I made the currently used ones. I'm looking for input for the design, so if you have any ideas, lemme know. Currently, I'm thinking of using a more retro/pixel art style.
  15. Escutcheon

    S> V502 (SOLD)

    what's your selling price?
  16. Escutcheon

    Server Timeout

    @Sodaboy just posted an update on the issue, and I can confirm that it's working again for me! Thanks!
  17. Escutcheon

    Server Timeout

    I've also started experiencing this. It worked fine last night. I play through a Mac wrapper, so the specifics might be different from others, but this is what I'm experiencing... When loading the Ephinea launch window, no text or clickables are loaded and I wait for a couple minutes before...
  18. Escutcheon

    Stomper's Hardcore Trade List *Updated 4/29/20*

    25 seems kinda high for a Liberta Kit, would you consider 15?
  19. Escutcheon

    Stomper's Hardcore Trade List *Updated 4/29/20*

    I'm interested in buying a Liberta Kit, how much are they?
  20. Escutcheon

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    My new Red Ring! Woot!