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  1. Rufus Tsynorca

    Future of PSO (Community and Rates)

    There's absolutely no offense being taken at all; this whole topic started as a random dream-inspired musing, so to get this discussion from it is wonderful. I've been very open in saying that I've not been around in a very long time, and though I did have over 1,200 hours on shithack, this...
  2. Rufus Tsynorca

    Future of PSO (Community and Rates)

    On my phone, so excuse the lack of quotes. It's good to know that I was wrong about HBR. I'll grant that doing the quests twice for a 10% increased DAR is pretty nice. It is still somewhat restrictive, since you're limited to what quests you can do increase the rate. The tennis thing is why I...
  3. Rufus Tsynorca

    Long time no see Ala! Hope you're doing well. ^_^

    Long time no see Ala! Hope you're doing well. ^_^
  4. Rufus Tsynorca

    Future of PSO (Community and Rates)

    I'd agree with you. When I used to play PSO more frequently, I played it very much as a social thing. It didn't matter whether there was an event or not as far as I was concerned. I wasn't having a go against events, since they can all be very nice and are a welcome change of pace to the...
  5. Rufus Tsynorca

    Future of PSO (Community and Rates)

    Never really thought about it that way. I think I get what you mean when you say it's somewhat communistic... but I'd argue that in a game which for a lot of people is rather social, having a slightly smaller gap between the newer players and the vets is not necessarily a bad thing. There was...
  6. Rufus Tsynorca

    Future of PSO (Community and Rates)

    You're right Nikki, I'm not that in the dark; you know that I know first hand what the Administration of different PSO servers is like. Shithack being a key example of the control and greed that you mentioned. That people dig their heels in is also very notable; there has been plenty of mods and...
  7. Rufus Tsynorca

    Future of PSO (Community and Rates)

    Nice to see you all again. ^_^ Thanks for getting back to me; it's good to know that the question is being taken seriously. There's no particular rush. I've put on the email notifications, so I wont miss anything. Which is why it's good to talk; there's presumably something here I'm not...
  8. Rufus Tsynorca

    Future of PSO (Community and Rates)

    Long time no see everyone. In fact, very long time no see. I've been swithering for a bit as to whether to post this thread or not, but given the circumstance, I'm too curious not to. Quick disclaimer; I've not been around for ages, so if any of my thoughts are out of date, do say so. I've...
  9. Rufus Tsynorca

    What are you listening to?

    Skip to 30 seconds. I just wanted a nice video that wasn't ridiculously quiet.
  10. Rufus Tsynorca

    What's your "day job?"

    I'm doing a full-time degree in Mental Health Nursing. I'm currently on my 5th placement (of 6), and am placed with a community mental health team.
  11. Rufus Tsynorca

    Post your wallpapers

    I rather enjoy these threads, so, might as well post the latest desktop I've put together. I used to on shitserv anyway, so it feels weird not doing it here.
  12. Rufus Tsynorca

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Thanks Anime. That sounds ideal. ^_^
  13. Rufus Tsynorca

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Do we have a list of the best quests for boxes? I've found this thread, but it doesn't seem to have anything listed for Ruins 1 (which I need for Oran Resta Amp): Edit: Also, I was just looking at max stats... since I'm...
  14. Rufus Tsynorca

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I must've skimmed it then, I missed the fact he was doing it in CCA. I was basing my thoughts on him going up against Barbles, Vulmers and such That changes things... with an SSS combo putting 367 ATA against 1,000 EVP: 1) 0% (-16.5%) 2) 38% 3) 100% The grunts here will cause Blizzard to hit...
  15. Rufus Tsynorca

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Ah, I edited my post as you were typing that. It's sounding like Guilty Light is actually reduced. Blizzard is looking pretty decent from what you're saying Spuz, and potentially an S-Rank Blizzard Launcher would work. Even then though, it's not really any sort of replacement for FS or SQ. Due...
  16. Rufus Tsynorca

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Thanks for the video. Although I've never heard of a name being put to this effect, it's a technique that I'm personally aware of and have used now and then. However, the manual accuracy that I'd need in this case is more hassle than I can be bothered with. Particularly given my bad keyboard and...
  17. Rufus Tsynorca

    Quick question - Quick answer

    It was MA:Spaceship that made me think about this. There's one spawn early on with a Baranz and 3 Gilchichs; one on each side and one in front. The FS wouldn't work on it, since even if I stepped to the side to snipe the Baranz, I'd target the Gilchich infront or beside instead. In this...
  18. Rufus Tsynorca

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Thanks Melirei, that's good to know. I might bring mine along with me then; could serve as a poor-mans Snow Queen for now. lol @gizonde - To follow up on what Melirei said, the first target takes full damage, and each subsequent target takes 50% . So, 500 damage, 250, 125, 62. The S-Rank would...
  19. Rufus Tsynorca

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Is the Blizzard on Guilty Light reduced? It's a 10 Star, so it shouldn't be, but it's also a Launcher which does have reduction on the damage unlike the S-Rank. So I figure there's a chance the reduction could apply to the special too.
  20. Rufus Tsynorca

    Hardcore Players create normal games / change game type

    This is something that I've raised with the Moderators before. In my mind, the point of Hardcore is to get a bit of a bonus while having the penalty of character deletion upon death. I therefore don't see why we should be blocked from making normal games; the penalty would remain. The reason...