Search results

  1. Azzy

    Azzy's widdle shop

    Updated for August 2024, will probably accept gold badges as PD once event starts
  2. Azzy

    New game changer for all you fans that like 60fps+ for PSO

    NVIDIA Frame generation works a lot better for me than the AMD FSR, but I'm also running a 4070. Something to note if you have a 40 series card
  3. Azzy

    PSO and PSO Community Appreciation Thread

    PSO has been there for me through thick and thin. Thank you Soda for everything you've done, and thank you to all the admins, staff, and players for making such a wonderful community.
  4. Azzy

    PDA> Galatine +9 [0/20/0/0|25] CHB: 50 (done)

    Start: 24h Countdown: 24h Reserve: 250k Meseta Buyout: 200 PD Will accept up to 10 million Meseta at a rate of 500k:1 (so 20pd)
  5. Azzy

    A> Excalibur* [0/0/0/100/25] [Lolipop Skin] [Finished @320]

    To be fair, it's pretty easy (but a little sadge) to reverse it with a neutralizer :)
  6. Azzy

    Christmas Raffle [Raffle Has Ended]

    +1 <3
  7. Azzy

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Merry XMAS to me!
  8. Azzy

    Ephinea Christmas 2023 Event Thread

    Izmaela 0%s out of Ult Present :)
  9. Azzy


    v801 + v101 = 27 pd
  10. Azzy

    Prevent controller inputs when game not focused?

    I use Steam and add Ephinea as a non-steam game to use Steam Input. This method causes input not to work when PSOBB isn't focused Caveat: If the second game is also through Steam, it will cause the PSO to take inputs anyways... :(
  11. Azzy

    Team BoyKisser

    Please stand for the singing of our Team Anthem: chipi chipi chapa chapa
  12. Azzy

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Yes, they're only excluded from Event Drops as far as I know
  13. Azzy

    Auction> L&K38 20 native / 40 hit! [WINNER|OniKesshi]

    V101 + 38 pds = 60 PD
  14. Azzy

    PDA> Snow Queen +18 [40/0/20/0|40] [CLOSED: 230 PD]

    Auction closed! Will reach out
  15. Azzy

    PDA> Snow Queen +18 [40/0/20/0|40] [CLOSED: 230 PD]

    Bump, 4.5 hours left!
  16. Azzy

    PDA> Snow Queen +18 [40/0/20/0|40] [CLOSED: 230 PD]

    Bump, 4~ hours left. I will be asleep during that time so I'll reach out whenever I wake up, if no more bids are made
  17. Azzy

    Closed until further notice

    +1 Rep, thanks for making my Needle!
  18. Azzy

    PDA> Snow Queen +18 [40/0/20/0|40] [CLOSED: 230 PD]

    Reserve: 180 pd Buyout: 400 pd Initial CD: 24 hours Reset CD: 24 hours Minimum Increment: 10pd