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  1. Sodaboy

    Server maintenance concluded for March 9th, 2025 (サーバメンテナンス完了 3/9)

    Apologies for taking longer than expected. The Ephinea game server is now back up. :) We were working on fixing a bug related to the Commander Blade update. Also, thanks again to information from fuzziqersoftware, Union Field and Union Guard now work as well. (Union Field boosts DFP by the...
  2. Sodaboy

    Server maintenance scheduled for March 9th, 2025 at 23:00 UTC

    Ephinea will be going down for a short server maintenance at 23:00 UTC on March 9th, 2025. We estimate the game to be down for about 30 minutes. (Shouldn't be nearly as long as last night.) Thank you for your understanding!
  3. Sodaboy

    HD UI Project by Luthee (a.k.a Eleria)

    This is not my project, so @MagicLuthee can do whatever they want or not do whatever they want. BUT I think @silentace is correct and that the colors are actually very slightly incorrect in the HD UI. If you compare the original and the HD version, it's clear SEGA was trying to go for some...
  4. Sodaboy

    Damage Numbers skin/mod?

    I'm pretty sure I saw a higher resolution damage number mod done by @MagicLuthee Actually, yeah, it's over here:
  5. Sodaboy

    Game crashing after about 15ish minutes.

    Looking at your screenshots, you were trying to use SSAA 4x. That's actually a very intense antialiasing option. (2560x1440 with SSAA 4x actually renders the game at 10240x5760 and increases VRAM usage as well.) I'd lower it down to SSAA 2x or maybe even just use SMAA Ultra and you'll be...
  6. Sodaboy

    Item Drop Information?

    Launcher is updated by the in game patch server. (Due to not being able to write to online.exe while it is running.) So be sure you’ve patched in game as well.
  7. Sodaboy

    Requesting a review of RBR on behalf of many community members.

    So, this is just MY personal opinion and not the entire staff's. This opinion would probably earn me a million downvotes if we had a downvoting system here, but here we go... The argument that new players should be able to catch up to the wealth of older players is an invalid argument to me...
  8. Sodaboy

    Requesting a review of RBR on behalf of many community members.

    The staff is aware of this thread and have read / are reading it. We just don't have anything to say publicly in regard to it at this time.
  9. Sodaboy

    (SOLVED) Screen freeze when returning to Pioneer

    Try changing your Direct X API.
  10. Sodaboy

    Which Anti-Aliasing setting to use?

    Balanced would be SMAA. Though I think even with a 1660 Ti, you could probably rock SSAA 2x.
  11. Sodaboy

    DropBox Tracker Addon

    Ever thought of making the elements on screen bigger or smaller based on the camera's distance from them? Or do they do that now? From the pictures I've seen, it looks like the text is always the same size.
  12. Sodaboy

    Do the “Section ID cards” have any use? If not, SHOULD they?

    Some things CAN just be collector's items, ya know. Every ultra uber doesn't necessarily have to be overpowered or have some sort of awesome gimmick.
  13. Sodaboy

    Ephinea PSOBB client for macOS 10.15+ & Apple Silicon

    VMware Fusion free doesn't really exist anymore. I mean, as it once was. Now there is just the Pro version which is now free. I honestly didn't notice any difference playing PSOBB on the Mac with Parallels over VMware. I also didn't have any performance issues outside of the one I patched. I...
  14. Sodaboy


    あるいは、Windows をインストールし、スクリプトを使用してアクティブ化することもできます。こちらを参照してください:
  15. Sodaboy

    Soly's Stash

    Isn’t the add on stuff based on a scripting language? You could probably just look through the floor reader code/script and look for the part that checks if the frame is rare or not and if it’s 4 slots, then make your own modification to either ignore it or something ghetto like change it to...
  16. Sodaboy

    Unable to login, "account does not exist"

    Maybe an account with that username and password combo doesn’t exist… Try resetting the password to the account again. Maybe use a more simple password. Perhaps you’re using some sort of special character or something that PSO or its input method doesn’t like. No idea. You’re free to reset...
  17. Sodaboy

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Caster’s client. They “target” the affected players based on level of technique and any boosts, then send a packet to the server letting them know who was affected.
  18. Sodaboy

    Maintenance complete for November 8th, 2024 (サーバメンテナンス完了 11/8)

    Hello! Maintenance has been concluded for November 8th, 2024. The following changes were made to the game as of v1.730: - Fixed performance issues running EphineaPSO under Parallels and VMware Fusion under MacOS. The game should now be very playable for those on MacOS, which is great since...
  19. Sodaboy

    Quick question - Quick answer

    2024 pool.