Search results

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    A> A Divine 70h Glide (CHB = 145) AUCTION OVER. CLOSED!

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    A> Diska +3 [0/0/0/0|80] [CHB:61] Auction Over. CLOSED

    CLOSED Good for Rainbow Baton. Minimum Bid: 5PD Current Highest Bid: 61PDs Wants: PDs PCs (1:1) Event Eggs (2:1) Slicer of Fanatic 30h-35h
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    A> Raygun [0/0/0/0|90] [CHB: 10PD] CLOSED

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    Auction deleted
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    Disconnected Six Times Today

    I've been disconnected from games six times today. Any other time this has happened was a network change on my end. Not this time. I've been playing Youtube videos and browsing the internet while the game was running (No different than any other day). Same error message each time: Things to...
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    MPX's Remnants Revamped!!! [Updates Every Mon. & Fri.]

    Message me on here or DM on Discord: Ult_MPX#7835. NO FLOOR TRADING! -ATTENTION! I can no longer create Two Kamui. All of its No-Hit/Random Stat components are discounted. Any 3 for 1PD. Kamui = 1PD (When in stock). Will accept: Meseta (500k = 1PD) Photon Drops Photon Crystals, 1:1 Event Eggs...
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    Hello. I'm here with a PSA

    This was during Random Attack Xrd REV 1 a couple days ago. An enemy was killed out of bounds and a red item spawned there. No way to get it. Not mad. Not a bug. Not blaming anyone. Just posting this as a heads-up. Make sure all enemies spawn properly in the area. Get your drops, Hunters. Thank you.