Search results

  1. AssSlapper

    A> Safety Heart [46/50] [1/15] CHB: 24

    Build your tanky fomarl of your dreams today! Countdown: 48h Reset: 24h Reserve: 1pd wants: PD 1:1 Coal 1:8 Cookie 1:5 meseta 1:500k
  2. AssSlapper

    A> Black King Bar [0/100/0/100] 55HIT]] CHB: END

    RES: 1PD Countdown: 72 hours Reset: 24 hours wants: Red sword over 50 Hit Slicer of the fanatic over 45 hit DLS 40-45 hit L&K38 Combat 60+ Hit with room for machine = buyout PD 1:1 Coal 1:8 Cookie 1:5 meseta 1:500k GL to a new double saber wielding monster :)
  3. AssSlapper

    A> Safety Heart [46/50] [1/15] CHB: 0

    RES: 50 Countdown 48 WANTS: PD Coal 1:8
  4. AssSlapper

    Tsumikiri J-Sword [0/0/0/20/0] GAMBLERS AUCTION!!!! CHB in coal: 300 coal

    I am looking to gamble this away for as much coal as I can get and only coal. WANTS: COAL NOTHING ELSE! NOT EVEN PDS! RESERVE: 1 COAL LUMP COUNTDOWN: 48 HOURS BUYOUT: 1200 COAL
  5. AssSlapper

    A> The reddest ring [84/85] [12/25] chb: 350| END

    Want a sexy red ring, maybe to go with an angel plating? Here is your chance to flex on everyone! RES: 350 Countdown: 72h Reset: 24H Wants: PD Coal 1:8 GL!
  6. AssSlapper

    Cancelled no bids

  7. AssSlapper

    A> Dark Flow [0/0/0/0/75HIT] chb: 300 | END

    Great mid-tier dark flow that can sphered anyway you want it! I just don't enjoy sweating that hard to use it. GL to all my pro gamers RES: 300pd countdown:72hours Reset: 24hours Wants: PD Coal 1:8
  8. AssSlapper

    A > Angel Plating CHB: 200| END

    A reference of what your red ring will turn into ^. I am not yet at the true fashion endgame yet, so this bad boy is going to make HEAVENLY looking red ring. ok i'll see myself out RES: 0pd Countdown: 72 hours Reset: 24 hours Wants: PD Coal 1:8 a lovely vivienne (with no AB) between...
  9. AssSlapper

    A> L&K38 Combat [0/15/50/0/30h] CHB: 35 | END

    RES: 1 Reset: 24h Countdown: 24h Want: PD cookie 1:4 Coal 1:8 Event egg 1:2
  10. AssSlapper


    reserve never met, auction cancelled to sell individually RES: 425pd Buyout: 500pd Countdown: 48h
  11. AssSlapper

    A> Excalibur [100/0/0/0/30] CHB: 625 | END

    Countdown:48 Reset: 24 RES: 600 Want: PD Cookies 1:4 l&k38 with 50 hit or more and room for machine (dm)
  12. AssSlapper

    A> Monkey king bar 65HIT and 15AB | 35D | CHB: 396pd | Mewkey | END

    RES: 1 PD MIN BID INCREMENT: 5PD COUNTDOWN: 72 HOURS RESET: 24 HOURS STANDARD WANTS: V101 (max 5 at 19pd each) Cookies (unlimited at 4pd each) Charge vulcan 65 hit (Valued at 600) Heaven Punisher any%'s (valued at 300) Psycho Wand any %'s (Valued at 230) Demon Mechs w/ spec (Valued 80) Hell...
  13. AssSlapper

    A> High def safety heart (46/50) (1/15) CHB: 70| END: AmyCakez wins

    RES: 1 Countdown 48h Reset: 24h Want: PD Cookie 1:4 Lesser want: V101 = 19 V502 = 25 Adept = 35 Pc 2:3
  14. AssSlapper

    Red ring [53/85] [23/25] CHB: 80 end

    res: 1 countdown: 24h Wants: PD Cookies 1:4 v101 (20) V502 (28) Limiter (28) Buyout: 80pd value
  15. AssSlapper

    A> Heaven Punisher [0/20/15/0/0] CHB: 300

    RES: 1PD Countdown: 72 hours Reset: 24 Hours Minimum Bid increment = 5PD Wants: PD v101 = 18 V502 = 28 Cookie = 1:4 Gold badge = 1:1 Vivienne 40hit with room for native = At least 200, more with decent attributes Buyout: Lame with 30 hit and room for Native Goodluck! :)
  16. AssSlapper


    No cookies for you
  17. AssSlapper

    A> Frozen Shooter [15/0/15/0/55HIT] END: 1330

    Wants: vivienne 50h+ with room for N Rambling may 45+hit with room for N / M PD Gold badge 1:1 Cookies 1:4 Buyout: 45h lame or excal with room for N Countdown 72H Res: 1 big pd GLTA dm for valuations
  18. AssSlapper

    PDA> Grants 30 chb: 17| END

    RES: 1 Countdown: 72 hours Want: PD only Hosting this auction for ASUNA! GLTA!
  19. AssSlapper

    PDA> Safety Heart [20/50] [0/15] CHB: 18PD

    RES: 1PD Countdown & Reset: 24H Photon drop only
  20. AssSlapper

    A> Random Plating item collection| CHB: 6PD[end

    Countdown:24h Res:1pd Wants: PD Cookies 5:1 Egg 1:2 Bunch of plating items for auction! I decided I absolutely hated making platings, so I'm looking to pass the burder to someone else! GL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 13 shocks sabers 20 master autoguns 10 shadow snipers 10 charge vulcans 6 hp...