Search results

  1. rook303

    A>Thirteen 8/8 8/8 4Slots

    A perfect Thirteen in every way. Countdown : 72 hours Reset : 24 hours Res : 1 PD
  2. rook303

    Charge Vulcan+9 [0/0/0/40|60]

    A nice pair of 60 hit Charge Vulcans with good Dark attributes. - RES : 150 PD - CD : 72 Hours - Reset : 24 Hours
  3. rook303

    A>Dark Flow [100/100/0/0|75] (CHB : 680)

  4. rook303

    55 Hit Utility Rayguns set!

    Wanna upgrade your utility guns? This is an auction for you! King's raygun+15 0/50/0/0|55 Gush raygun+15 0/0/0/40|55 Hell raygun+15 0/0/45/0|55 Demon's raygun+15 0/0/0/0|55 Arrest raygun+15 40/0/0/0|55 Reserve : 10 pds Countdown : 72 hours Reset : 24 hours wants : pds
  5. rook303

    The Secret Spawns of the Scarlet Realm quests revealed!

    @Esther, the Scarlet Realm quest designer has hidden in each of them a few secret spawns. This little guide will modestly try to show you how to trigger them. Scarlet Realm 1 : 2 extra Hildelts in Forest 2. Scarlet Realm 2 : 5 extra Pan-Arms in Cave 3. Scarlet Realm 3 : 1 extra Baranz, 3...
  6. rook303

    Clean 60 Hit Rare Mechguns bundle [DONE]

    H&S25 Justice[Freeze] : 0/0/0/0|60 L&K14 Combat [Seize] : 0/0/0/0|60 M&A60 Vise [Berzerk] : 0/0/0/0|60 RES : 150 Pds Count Down : 72 Hours
  7. rook303

    Guardianna [Spirit] : [0/25/0/25|50] [DONE]

    Countdown : 72H Minimum bid : 30 PD Wants : PDs only
  8. rook303

    Cannon Rouge [Chaos] : [60/0/0/0|20] [DONE]

    Countdown: 72 H Minimum Bid : 80 PD Wants : PDs only
  9. rook303

    T>Hell Lockgun 65hit for Hell Raygun 60 hit [DONE]

    You want to switch for purple or just need its + 1 ata? This deal is made for you!
  10. rook303

    A> Rafoie 30 (ラ・フォイエ 30)

    Starting Bid: 40 PD Countdown: 48 hours Reset: 24 hours
  11. rook303

    A>Black Hound Cuirass 30/30 0/0[DONE]

    Starting bid : 10 pds Countdown: 48 Hrs Reset: 24 Hrs
  12. rook303

    A>GALATINE 0/15/15/0/15[DONE]

    Starting Bid: 10 PDS Countdown: 48 hrs Reset: 24 hrs
  13. rook303

    A>ZONDE 30

    Res : 15 PD CD : 48 hours reset : 24 hours
  14. rook303

    Ophelie Seize [オフェリセーズ] 0/0/0/0/35[DONE]

    Res: 15 pds CD: 48 Hrs Reset: 24 Hrs CHB: 23 @Grizzly
  15. rook303

    A>Lieutenant Mantle [21/21] [13/18] 0 Slots [DONE]

    res: 1 PD countdown: 48 hours reset: 24 hours
  16. rook303

    A> Perfect Morning Prayer [10/10][20/20]+ Perfect Black Odoshi Domaru [10/10][10/10][DONE]

    Res: 1PD Countdown: 48 Hours Reset: 24 Hours CHB: 20 PDs @Arsuru
  17. rook303

    A> Safety Heart (セーフティーハート) [38/50] [0/15] [DONE]

    Reserve: 40 pds Countdown: 48 hours Reset: 24 hours CHB: 70 @Vanderslammer
  18. rook303

    A>Cannon Rouge 0/0/0/0/20 [DONE]

    CHB : 21pd's Reset : 24hr Countdown : 48hr
  19. rook303

    It seems like weapon skins are like vampires, they do not reflect in mirrors

    I have only one weapon skin, so i could only test with this one. Feel free people to test it out with your own skins and confirm or not this phenomenon i observed.
  20. rook303

    would it be complicated to implement a slider for damage scale?

    I really love the SSAA antialiasing option which really improves PSO general look , even more because i am using HD textures. The only down side is that the damages and XP gains appear wether huge or tiny. so i was wondering if it is planned to implement a damage scale slider to fix this...