Search results

  1. muesli


    Timezone GMT+1 hit me up
  2. muesli


    As title says, pls add your timezone so we can meet at a proper time!
  3. muesli

    After long hiatus, cant log in-

    Sadly i could not find anything in the faq or the forums, at least not with my searches. On Windows 10. After some years I want to come back an play som BB but during the login screen I get "usernamer or password incorrect". Shouldn't it be the same as my login here on the forums? I checked...
  4. muesli

    B> V502 done

    To send enemies to hell.
  5. muesli

    2 Cmode Nubs are looking for starting help.

    We're 2 cmode newbies desperately needing some Sranks. We're looking for some experienced players(singualar or plural). No speedrun just Sranks. Hucast and Huney Looking forward to your guidance!
  6. muesli

    A> Perfect Black Odoshi Domaru 1Slot (CHB:@nina@ 3) DONE

    Res: 1pd Time: 48h Reset: 24h Only for the truly enlightened collectors of finest craftsmanship.
  7. muesli

    A> Grants 30! (CHB: 40, griffeni) (closed)

    Res: 10pd Time:48hours reset:24hours Berlin timezone. Exclusive bonus info: dropped by a Recobox :)
  8. muesli

    B> PGF (done)

    Give me the Flow :)
  9. muesli

    B> Flowens (3084) with 40h

    Can have more but it gets too expensive quickly.
  10. muesli

    A: Heart of Diska of Liberator (CLOSED)

    Hey, need PDs or a nice Flowen (3084) with hit, for my Huney I'm Berlin timezone Res: 20pd Time: 48h Reset: 24h
  11. muesli

    B > 3-Seals

    State your price here I will contact you via Forums (my time is Berlin)