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  1. SirLagsAlot

    A> 3rd Anniversary Badge Set (Bronze, Silver, Gold 1x) 2PD CHB (FINISHED)

    RES: 1PD Countdown: 72 hours Reset: 24 Hours Unobtainable and for collectors only… Good luck!
  2. SirLagsAlot

    B > Siren Glass Hammer

    Only need 1
  3. SirLagsAlot

    PSO Remake 2024 Trailer (by Glader)

    I figured you guys would enjoy watching this new(ish) vid he released of the remake of PSO he is working on. A lot of interesting info of him talking about it in the comments too! Would you guys play a PSO fan game seriously? I’m surprised there is no Chinese clone after all these years too lol
  4. SirLagsAlot

    Multi-team Content (Up to 12 players in a game)

    So a long time ago shithack added “multiteam” features. You can see it shown off here: So I guess they add it as an event thing where it’s a “R.A.I.D” where you have to clear insane waves with 12 players. They mention it here...
  5. SirLagsAlot

    Gambling in PSO

    I have a way I invented to gamble within PSO but I’m curious if anyone is even interested in that. A lot of late stage MMOs have a lot of people who enjoy it. I personally am neutral on the topic and i see it being both good and bad. It’s fun in moderation but if you are a degenerate it can...
  6. SirLagsAlot

    PSO Camera Hack

    Vid related With the /cam camera hacks are hacks like this allowed? Has anyone replicated a top down camera hack like this anytime recently? /cam is awesome but it’d be nice to be able to have it still track the character somehow. Being able to easily play from different angles would be...
  7. SirLagsAlot

    Back after like a year break

    Sup guys I’m sure I’ve played a lot of rounds with most of you here over the years… just wanted to say I’m back and I look forward to playing some more. If anyone wants to game I’m probably gonna play around after 9pm pst. Looking forward to playing my favorite and the (objectively) best game...
  8. SirLagsAlot

    S> Charge Spread 65h

  9. SirLagsAlot

    SanicTeam: PvE! (Accepting ALL players 11/22/24!)

    Sanic Team is Recruiting! Sanic Team is open to any and all PSO players. You do not need to adopt our teamflag to join/play with us. We are a NM/Sandbox team and will invite any NM player who needs perks. Mems choosing to use the team flag means you can take part in submitting and voting on...