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  1. E

    PSO Chat Log Tool Ver0.70 and Later

    Today, I have an announcement after a long time. Thank you very much for your patience. We are pleased to bring you the latest edition of PSOChatLog. This is supposed to prevent viruses from getting into the system, I can honestly say that it is not a sure thing. Source code is now available...
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    DLL Error

    Several people in JP seem to be unable to connect due to DLL errors. Perhaps non-JPs are as well. I thought maybe it was caught by the virus checker. It seems that Ephinea.DLL has not been erased by the virus checker. I don't have much information, but please check with me. There should be...
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    Sometimes it is not possible to start the game from the launcher.

    Click on Start Game. The error message "The specified file cannot be found" appears. The message seems to be displayed in Japanese even if I set the mode to English.
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    The new launcher seems to have been downloaded to my desktop.

    I asked a friend that it's happening only in my environment, but I'm having trouble with Ephinea files scattered around my desktop. 1. Is it okay to play as it is? 2. I would like you to stop putting files such as ephinea.dll and data folders on my desktop. I would like to request an urgent...
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    Ephinea.DLL does not run when run on VM WARE.

    Running PSOBB on VM WARE seems to result in an error. It's unclear if the other virtual machines are similar. Would you please check it? -- VM WARE上で、PSOBBを実行すると、エラーになるようです。 他の仮想マシンが同様かは不明です。 確認してみていただけますか? --
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    Input by gamepad when PSOBB is in the background

    If the PSOBB screen does not come to the foreground, It no longer accepts gamepad input. I think I used to accept it in the background, but what about it? I want to switch apps while on the move, so I would like you to restore it if possible. -- PSOBB画面がフォアグラウンドにでない時に、 ゲームパッド入力を受け付けなくなりました。...
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    I would like you to fix the gold badge store when you have time.

    Hello. To the administrators. Thank you very much for updating the reward quests for the event to support Japanese. I would like you to fix the gold badge store when you have time. As it is, I don't know what's at the end of the list. I've tried it in 1400x1050, WUXGA, and SXGA, but none of them...
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    The event quest temple will freeze during loading.

    Hello. Dear Administrator. A friend of mine reports that the temple event quest seems to freeze at 100% loading. I tried it and was able to reproduce it, so I'm uploading it here. Thank you for fixing this bug. -- こんにちは。管理者の皆様。 友人の報告によると、神殿のイベントクエストが、ローディング100%でフリーズするようです。...
  9. E

    The number of scape dolls is incorrect

    When I checked the warehouse today, it was a big deal. Can you confirm it?