Search results

  1. Anieru

    PC> Charge Scepter 85H & 30h/50h DLS

    Just found the Charge Scepter in a present and have no idea how much it's worth. I love DLS and was curious how much people tend to want for them. Any help super appreciated!
  2. Anieru

    PC> 30Hit Brave Hammer

    0'd otherwise, got it from the 5 Egg gamble. Any good if not worth much?
  3. Anieru

    PC> Liberta Kit

    There are other threads but it was a while since someone last requested a PC on Liberta. Any idea's? How much - if you were selling - would it take to part with yours?
  4. Anieru

    Looking for an old OGG pack

    Hi all hopefully I can post this here. Here is a link to the old OGG pack I used to use. I used this all the time and absolutely loved it - while not being a huge sonic fan - the music just seemed to work really well with the game. My question is does anyone still have it/know of a way of...
  5. Anieru

    I've seen the light.

    Hi all, Schthack player since 2008 (not frequent on forums) moved over yesterday and have been keeping a keen eye on threads here as well as updates and everyone looks really genuine. Look forward to meeting new hunters.