Hey everyone !
I'd like to introduce here my maps rework/reskin. I'm planning to rework the maps i really like, it's still a project for now because of the time it's taking, but that's something i really enjoy.
Here's the download link (thanks Cashmira !) :
>>> Biscuit's Texture Pack <<<...
Hello there,
I'm wondering if it is posible to raise a Mitra to lv 200 with acceptable stats ? i saw a raising guide by Miku that i dont really understand (french here, maybe i miss things in his explanation) (https://www.pioneer2.net/community/threads/mikus-mag-raising-guide.28244/) :
Hello there,
I've been hunting hildetorr for a long time now in OnePerson mode and Ultimate and i'm going to have some doubts about they are still in the game. Is the Hildetorr rate in OnePerson mode really high ? Is there a difference that make them impossible to see ?
I'm wondering if my...
BiscuitDeposit2 by Biscuit posted Mar 31, 2020 at 1:53 AM
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