Search results

  1. Argajag

    A> Alive Aqhu [0/0/15/25|80] CHB@3

    I know one of you wants this for... some reason Reserve: 1 Countdown: 24h Reset: 24h
  2. Argajag

    A> Diska of Braveman [100/100/0/0|50] DONE@410

    Hello Ephinea, hope you're having a nice anniversary event - I know I am! I got my hands on an upgrade so I am auctioning off one (1) 50 Hit Native/A.Beast% Diska of Braveman, sphered & well used. What a beauty! Surely it would be perfect for, oh geez I don't know, MAE:Forest runs!? *Thirteen...
  3. Argajag

    PDA> Galatine [0/25/0/0|25] DONE@40

    Reserve: 1 Countdown: 24 Hours Reset: 24 Hours ok go
  4. Argajag

    A> Heart of Yasminkov 9000M DONE@110

    Unused. Pictures are from a used Heart & does not neccessarily reflect the final product. All warranty is voided upon use. RES: 1 Countdown: 72 Hours Wants: Rafoie 30 valued @50 Rabarta 30 valued @40 Photon Drops
  5. Argajag

    A> Rianov SNR-5 [0/15/0/0|45] DONE@12

    ??? ???? ???? ??? Countdown: 24 Hours Reset: 24 Hours Reserve: 1
  6. Argajag

    A> Morning Glory set [0/0/0/0|45] & [20/0/0/35|50] DONE@5

    get in on the morning glory meta before everyone else give me PDs reserve: 1 countdown: 24h reset: 24h ok go
  7. Argajag

    A> 40/0/40/0|70 Frost Calibur DONE@210

    See Title Wants: Photon Spheres (99:1), Meseta (400k:1) Reserve: 1 PD Countdown: 24 Hours Reset: 24 Hours OK go
  8. Argajag

    A> Hitogata [0/25/15/0|50] DONE@25

  9. Argajag

    S> Anti-Dark Ring 20

    See title.
  10. Argajag

    A> Yellow Barrier [5/5] | [5/5] DONE@2

    Up for grabs, a perfect statted Yellow Barrier. Help me tidy up my shared bank. Reserve: 1 Countdown: 24 Hours. Reset: 24 Hours. OK go
  11. Argajag

    A> Cannon Rouge 0/25/0/0|20 DONE@90

    Hello again Ephinea, Here's another find freshly harvested from the plains of Ragol. Observe! Such beautiful stats! Such Splendor! Such AB! Entirely unrelated, this is enough hit% for RAcast to 100% hit Gal Gryphon with H1. Some sphereing required. Happy Shooting. Reserve: 1 PD...
  12. Argajag

    A> 0/0/0/0|70 Calibur+6 DONE@200

    Hello, Ephinea. Make your first Dark Flow! Or be like me & use it to complete a set. Here it is: Reserve: 1 PD Countdown: 48 Hours (so I can offload it by the weekend) Reset: 24 Hours. Wants: PDs, Heart of Ruby Bullet x1 Photon Spheres valued at 99 OK go
  13. Argajag

    A>Heart of Sorcerer’s Cane DONE@37

    OK so this dropped & I have no idea how to price it so let the power of the market decide: Reserve: 1 Countdown: 24 Hours Reset: 24 Hours Wants: PDs, Heart of Ruby Bullet OK go
  14. Argajag

    A> Heaven Striker [15/0/0/0|30] DONE@275

    Greetings to you, adventurer. It is that time of the year again, this time I have something special for the occasion on display: Behold! What a nice item, with some glitching you can pull off sick stunts & annihilate those annoying birds among other creatures* Has room to sphere both N/AB...
  15. Argajag

    A> Cannon Rouge [0/0/0/0|35] DONE@170

    Well met traveller, let me show you a thing of wonder & beauty: Dragon hunting, beastslaying, Canabin destruction - this magnificent piece of equipment can do it all: Imagine the possibilities... Reserve: 1 Countdown: 48 hours Reset: 24 hours Photon Sphere valued at 99 Gold Badges valued...
  16. Argajag

    A> Diska of Braveman [0/0/100/100|55] DONE@500

    Hello again Ephinea, As luck would have it, I recently acquired an upgade in my travels. Hence, I'm auctioning this well-used piece of equipment that has served me extremely well over the years: Behold! With fully sphered Machine & Dark attributes, this badboy will let you hit the enemies...
  17. Argajag

    A> Heaven Striker [0/0/0/25/35] DONE@700

    Hey Ephinea! Hope you're all enjoying the event - I know I am! Up next on display I present this amazing find, freshly yoinked from a Pyro Goran peacefully living in the Desert: It shoots! It scoots! Autotarget those fool Belras and any Sinow that dares to stand up against your might...
  18. Argajag

    A> Diska of Braveman [0/0/0/35|55] DONE@200

    Hello again, Ephinea. Here's another terrific drop, courtesy of Whitill Temple: With Dark%, you can sphere this badboy in almost any combination you want. Highly recommended item! Countdown: 48 Hours Reserve: 1 Reset: 24 Hours Bonne chance
  19. Argajag

    A> Electro Frame [50/50] [19/20] [2S] DONE@15

    Near-perfect Electro Frame??? It's probably worth a PD. Countdown: 24 Hours Reserve 1: Reset: 24 Hours
  20. Argajag

    A> 15/0/0/0|55 Diska of Braveman DONE@150

    Hello, Ephinea. After giving it some thought I've decided to sell off this find from Whitill Temple. Countdown: 48 Hours Reserve: 1 Reset: 24 Hours