RES: 25 pds
Countdown: 48 hours
Reset: mandatory 24 hours
Accepting: PDs, Badges at market value, Limiters at 30 and anything else can be asked to value it or if I accept it (no PCs or Meseta at this time.)
The full post on this mod can be found [HERE]
Poorly [Translated] Star Online
A project that Google Translates the text of PSO:BB (Ephinea) multiple times, resulting in silly and nonsensical text.
For full information go to the original April Fools' Post with the link provided above.
HAPPY APRIL FOOLS' DAY - PSO: Poorly[Translated] Star Online
April Fools' Day is here and with it, a silly little project of mine that's been months the works. From the same person who worked on Ephinea's unitext and took away your beloved typo "I'll disasrm the trap." (#blameUsagi), among other...
RES: 15 pds
Countdown: 48 hours
Reset: 24 hours
Buyout: Lame d'Argent with stats totaling up to 75% or more, any combination of N/A.B/M/D acceptable
Canceled due to no activity