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  1. Harborer of Hope

    Narutos Ramen Restaurant! =3

    Mew finally kidnapped some childhood Military friends to Narutos88 Bistro here in Miami! Turned out to be "the smaller store", so mew will eventually work her way to the BIGGER one~! Ended up getting the Beef Bulgogi for mewself (Delicious!) Friends ordered Pork steamed buns and Veggie Ramen~!
  2. Harborer of Hope

    Praying for Ephineans in TAMPA!

    Aaaand once again Tampa happens to find itself in the crosshairs of another Monster! One of mew's loved ones En4cer-chan (Sabrina) hasn't posted in a while or seen online, but it's not stopping her from 'Worrying!' dammit! K mew'll just twiddle her paws and hope for the best~! <3!!!!
  3. Harborer of Hope


    Mew decided to give a try to a growing trend down here in South Florida! ANIME Themed Restaurants!! Ordered the Navigator Steak, DELICIOUS! it's a lot like PF CHANGS Mongolian beef but Sweeter and nicer on the inside~! The ceiling had LED TV Screens like portholes showing the night sky with...
  4. Harborer of Hope

    Silly question regarding login autofill

    After our latest little update...mew's login no longer has her username and password filled in... was there a setting she might've accidently messed with? or is it a WIN10 thing? Thanks your your time~! <3
  5. Harborer of Hope

    FINALLY got new Hard drive installed, buuuuuuuut......

    Well, After 7 years of Great service, mew's DELL INSPIRON Desktop finally decided to commit Seppuku and the Hard drive died. Sooo, she took it to a local UBREAKIFIX shop and they did a "data transfer" after installing the new Barracuda 1TB Hard drive, buuuuuuut of course EphineaPSOBB won't...
  6. Harborer of Hope

    OWIES!!!!! =(

    Well, Dumbass sister of mew left her car window open when it started raining....HARD...So like an idiot, mew tried hobbling out to get the window up....and slipped on the wet grass near the driveway....and MAAAAY has broken/sprained her weak foot.....BADLY! On way to hospital NOW....Hopefully...
  7. Harborer of Hope

    Any HALLOWEEN Stories out there~?

    With Hallows Eve quickly approaching, guess mew can share another of her Stories! This one is cute~! Not Too long ago, mew decided to spend Halloween at a friends gated community and play her usual role as a scary Nazgul lawn ornament. The night was pretty quiet and plain with the trick or...
  8. Harborer of Hope

    DirectX texts are so......TINY!

    Ok...DirectX thingy finally worked to allow mew to get online....buuuuut now menu options and text bubbles in game are SO TINY mew needs a magnifying glass to see anything she or others say.... What setting does mew mew need to change now? =P
  9. Harborer of Hope

    The Voices in mew's head...and WHY she is often seen 'singing' in game.... =')

    Wiff all the craziness in our IRL world sometimes sneaking its tendrils into our little sanctuary we call PSO...your mew is often told "We are grateful for all the work you Admins put into this Gem of a game!". Mew came across this video that sums up her attitude, her fellow Blue Named Brethren...
  10. Harborer of Hope

    Trivial, but kinda annoying while switching ships/blocks....

    Had noticed last night while hopping ships, Mercy while hasing her level on display....kept reverting to just her name and no level or team flag. A few TAB taps and its fine...but still annoyed how the staus just changes.... you kno?
  11. Harborer of Hope

    Just curious.....

    Mew mew is still out of rown for a few moar days, but have heard reports of EXP SHARE has suddenly included BOSSES wiffout tagging needed? Anyone confirm this? Kthnxbai~! ♡
  12. Harborer of Hope

    WHERE'S Mew??????

    Well...After finally getting home and trying to log in on mew's computer, she came across a slight......problem...a ZOMFGWTFBBQWRONGHOLE kinda problem!! Mew's PC DIED!!! Think the power supply is simply fried after we had a bad electrical issue in the house. So hopefully wiff a bit of tampering...
  13. Harborer of Hope

    Missing Mew

    Greetings Beloved Ephineans~! For those wondering where their mew mew had disappeared to, these past few days...she's out of town at the moment. And will be back haunting the lobbies and lurking for nooblets in a few days. She's praying her fellow Guardian Angels/Plushies can take up her slack...
  14. Harborer of Hope

    Stmbled on this while wandering Youtube!

    Reminded mew of our own Jyuki-chan's Avatar and just about EVERY Fembot on PSO~! XD!! <3
  15. Harborer of Hope

    H.....HEY!?.......Techs casted on leaderboard?

    Da HELL??? Techs casted on leaderboard went POOF???? Mew had pride herself for Years on being the ONLY NON-FO Warrior to had been listed on this revered its GONE???? *Looks around in a Panic!* =(
  16. Harborer of Hope

    Torrs being poo heads lately?

    For the past few weeks, mew's been getting a few in game mails of Torrs dropping.....NOTHING.... a LOT! lol. Just wanted to voice the cries of the crowds~! KTHNXBAI! <3
  17. Harborer of Hope

    Prayers and Positive vibes for our Nippon Community~!

    Typhoon Hagibis looks like it's gonna be a Nasty storm if it hits the main island! Mew tends to get a lot of well wishes and prayers when a hurricane is barreling down on her neck of the woods...Now let's send some of this Love and Energy towards our Japanese players! 気を付けて! Ganbatte...
  18. Harborer of Hope

    Wanted to share~!

    Saw this little guy at a Target store today and thought out loud "This would make an AWESOME MAG!"
  19. Harborer of Hope

    Heeeeeey....Can't use old animated Avatars anymoar????

    Mew had recently tried to replace her avatar wiff her old animated cat on keyboard one....then it said "Error...need to be smaller than 97.7KB.". Was there some recent update that lowered the KB settings?
  20. Harborer of Hope

    Love is in the Air~~...or IS it? ....

    With Valentines fast approaching, aaaand knowing any forthcoming Easter Event if any will be a labor of love and effort...Mew'd like to know if by chance we can has the White Day quest avail after Valentines ish over? Not sure what the routine was for it...but this kitty was...