Search results

  1. Cashmira ♥

    A> Calibur+10 [0/0/20/0|80] CHB 800

    ♥ Happy Holidays! ♥ ► Minimum Bid: 800 PDs ► Countdown: 72 Hours ► Resets: 24 Hours ♥ Accepting! ♥ ► PDs ► Red Ring (minimum stat) (50-60 PDs) ► Excalibur (20h minimum) (Clean or Native only)
  2. Cashmira ♥

    Cashmira's Skins ♥

    [N-VH]=Only compatible with Normal-Very Hard mode. [ULT]=Only compatible with Ultimate mode. (xx/xx/xxxx)=Date uploaded/updated. ★ Installation Instructions: ★ Unzip your downloaded file(s) and place the contents in your "EphineaPSO" folder! Make sure to back up your files! Skins that change...
  3. Cashmira ♥

    B>D-Parts v1

    Hello! Just looking to buy a D-Parts v1 if anyone has one.
  4. Cashmira ♥

    T>Deva (White 5/150/45/0 Twins/Pilla/Farla) for better HU equips.

    Hi guys. I have a white Deva mag with 5/150/45/0 stats and twins/pilla/farla PBs as the title says, and I'm looking to trade it for any upgrades to my current gear if possible. I currently use... Yunchang 0/0/20/20 Diska of Braveman 0/0/0/0 Charge Raygun 0/25/0/0/50 Delsaber's Buster w/ Shield...
  5. Cashmira ♥

    Item store to always sell Sol Autos and Monomates?

    Hello! I was just thinking it would be nice if the item shop lady would always have monomates and sol automizers in her inventory. It's kind of a hassle to be telepiping back and forth just for some mag food. I understand keeping star automizers and monogrinders as special items you can buy on...
  6. Cashmira ♥

    Command to change mag color possible?

    Hello, I was just curious if it would be possible to make a command that would allow players to change the color of the light on their mag? I'm not sure if this is doable at all but I just thought I would ask as it would be a neat command to have if players would like to change up their mag from...