New ambitious team is born from the nostalgia of playing Pso, also very inspired by the saga of old and new Phantasy Star games specially 3 and 4 as well, Dark Falz and the Profound Darkness
We aim to be rich, both meseta, pds and Uber rares, have a good time while playing, a nice partnership...
Am buying almost every rare sword for Humar with high hit 50 or plus in the game mostly wanted the ones listed on topic.
Also elysion, kaladbolg and DB's swords wanted.
I accept trades.
Let me know what you have.
Can anyone farm for me PWR Mag and I will buy it, a power mag of 185 power or more don't care about colour or mag evolution only about photon blast, the mag photon blast needs to have mylla and youlla as well leilla.
Thank you
Send PM or post here
Am buying power 195 mags with twins.
Also looking for
Black/Oran/White Sato
Power based Kama/Tellusis 180power?
Also looking for some Mag breeders too help me.
First of all thanks the effort of Ephinea
For bringing up the continous joy of still being able too play this game,
nostalgic memories brought me to this game and start play PSO again...
I am new to the community of PSO and also server.
Have played the previous sagas on Master Sistem...