Search results

  1. Zero641

    PDA> 3x Amitie’s Memo (Puyo mag cell) [Closed]

    Had several people dm/mail me about amitie’s memo. So in the interest of fairness, this can only be settled one way on Ephinea. Auction. To prevent someone just bidding on all with a very high bid. These will be sold one memo at a time so someone who wants only 1 can get it. Item: 3 x Amitie’s...
  2. Zero641

    S> V101 29 pd (Done)

    As title. Selling V101. Msg me on discord for faster response. Id: Zero 641#6029. Edit: Sold.
  3. Zero641

    A> Max Def Aura Field [50/50 | 16/20] [4S] DONE 1PH

    Had this for a while. Really like it, but perhaps it is time it found a new home. Reserve: 50pd Countdown: 48h from first bid, with each new bid resetting 24h countdown. Wants: PDs/PH mainly
  4. Zero641

    A > Rage de Feu (Geist) 40H [Done 5pd]

    Someone may also want this. Good for RAmar/RAmarl. Reserve: 5pd Countdown: 48h
  5. Zero641

    A> Red Mechgun (20m, 30d, 40h) [Done 3pd]

    Someone may want this perhaps. Red Mechgun (0/0/20/30/40) Reserve: 1pd Countdown: 48h
  6. Zero641

    S> Zanba, SoF, Guren etc.

    s> TypeME/Mechgun (0/0/0/0/40) x2 (18pd each) s> Amitie's Memo (Puyo mag cell) x2 (25pd each) s> Slicer of Fanatic (0/0/0/0/30) x3 (28pd each) s> Diska of Braveman (0/20/0/0/45) 18pd s> Diska of Braveman (0/0/0/0/40) 10pd s> Shouren (0/0/0/0/15) 5pd s> Guren (0/0/0/0/25) 13pd s> Zanba...
  7. Zero641

    A > Rika's Claw (55 Hit) Done.

    Had this claw for a while. Think it is time it finds a good home. Get your optimal HUney/RAmar gifoie and ledge dropping here. This is the second highest hit Rika Claw ever auctioned on server. First being a 70h of Ender's. Reserve: 5pd Countdown: 48h countdown from first bid, with each new...
  8. Zero641

    B> 10 Gold Badges

    Offering 15pd's. (1.5 pd per 3rd anniv. gold badge)
  9. Zero641

    Mac OS version

    It's probably been suggested before, and i imagine probably would be a lot of work. (can pso bb even run properly on mac?) But a native Mac os version without having to use wine etc. could be pretty nice. I imagine there would be a few people who would be interested in it. Personally, i mainly...
  10. Zero641

    Who's Playing Feature

    I don't know the logistics of this or how easy it may be to implement. But a feature which shows which current players are online could be cool.
  11. Zero641

    B > Red Barrier (Done)

    If you got one let me know. I'll make it worth your time with pd's and badges Long shot, if anyone has amp of Rafoie i'll be doubly impressed :) Edit : Got it!
  12. Zero641

    B> Psycho Wand (Done)

    Got a spare, or one you don't plan to use. 300 pure PD's offer. Lmk. Edit: Closed. Got it ty.
  13. Zero641

    Pc> max def aura field

    Aura field (50/50d, 16/20e) max def and Aura field (4/50d, 20/20e) max e thanks!
  14. Zero641

    PC > Lames

    30 machine 25n, 25 a beast 35 dark What are ppl thinking min stat going for 10/11+ nowadays it seems
  15. Zero641

    Zero's Magical Emporium + S Ranks (CLOSED)

    Updated: 11th December 2017 Hi everybody! Welcome to my magical emporium of PSO goods! If you are a PD short, let me know. We may be able to negotiate ;p (A faster way to contact me is on discord, my id is: Zero 641#6029) Custom S-Ranks (no special): Premade S-Ranks (no special): Rare...
  16. Zero641


    Hi Everybody! Welcome to the official TeamPoints forum page. This is a forum page dedicated to chats, discussions or queries. We are a friendly team with lots of players new and old, who have a passion for having fun and helping each other out. Unlocked Privileges: (We have everything...
  17. Zero641

    PC > Clio

    Well, now that HUnewearl can use Clio. What are people saying on value? 2pd, 5pd, 7pd... 10pds?!
  18. Zero641

    PC> Lavis Cannon [20/0/0/0|0]

  19. Zero641

    MA4 rare monster bug

    Hi all. I am worried that the rare monster appearance in the Maximum Attack Stage 4: 1-A, B and C quests is currently bugged. The evidence: Last Friday, when the current MSR activated my brother and I ran the start of max attack 1-C about 10 to 11 times hunting for Sange on yellowboze, hoping...