Search results

  1. Sodaboy

    Server maintenance concluded for March 9th, 2025 (サーバメンテナンス完了 3/9)

    Apologies for taking longer than expected. The Ephinea game server is now back up. :) We were working on fixing a bug related to the Commander Blade update. Also, thanks again to information from fuzziqersoftware, Union Field and Union Guard now work as well. (Union Field boosts DFP by the...
  2. Sodaboy

    Server maintenance scheduled for March 9th, 2025 at 23:00 UTC

    Ephinea will be going down for a short server maintenance at 23:00 UTC on March 9th, 2025. We estimate the game to be down for about 30 minutes. (Shouldn't be nearly as long as last night.) Thank you for your understanding!
  3. Sodaboy

    Maintenance complete for November 8th, 2024 (サーバメンテナンス完了 11/8)

    Hello! Maintenance has been concluded for November 8th, 2024. The following changes were made to the game as of v1.730: - Fixed performance issues running EphineaPSO under Parallels and VMware Fusion under MacOS. The game should now be very playable for those on MacOS, which is great since...
  4. Sodaboy

    Server maintenance concluded for October 6th, 2024 (サーバメンテナンス完了 10/6)

    Thank you for your patience! Server maintenance has concluded for October 6th, 2024. The following changes were made to the game: - Ephinea DLL was updated to v1.72 - Update: It seems using the ENHANCED_MAP_DRAW key can create situations where monsters cannot be targetted for some users. We...
  5. Sodaboy

    Server maintenance scheduled for October 6th, 2024 at 04:00 UTC

    Hello! A server maintenance will occur at 4:00am UTC on October 6th, 2024. (Approximately 3 hours from this post.) The game will be updated during this time. Testing of server changes will take approximately an hour, though the server may open sooner than that. Thank you for understanding!
  6. Sodaboy

    Forum upgrade and theme changes for August 26th, 2024 (フォーラムソフトのアップグレードとテーマ変更 8/26)

    We upgraded the forum software today, which changed how themes work. Now a theme can have both a light and dark version by itself. The forum will now select light or dark based on your device settings. You can also override this selection by scrolling to the bottom of the forum and clicking...
  7. Sodaboy

    Server maintenance completed for August 22nd, 2024 (サーバメンテナンス完了 8/22)

    Hello, Hunters of Ephinea! Server maintenance has completed for today. The drop priority of all ships has been changed. Previously, due lack of any sort of thought on my part, drop priority for items was like so: 1. Music Disks 2. Event Items 3. Monster rare Items 4. Everything else I've...
  8. Sodaboy

    Server maintenance completed for May 28th, 2024 (サーバメンテナンス完了 5/28)

    Hello! Server maintenance has been completed and the following changes were made to the game: - Fixed the problem with units inserted into armor from sometimes shuffling their positions around from what you originally set them as from the "Equip" menu. - Buffed the chance to get a good grind...
  9. Sodaboy

    Server maintenance scheduled for May 28th, 2024

    Hello! We will be having a brief server maintenance at 18:30 UTC on May 28th, 2024. Thank you for understanding!
  10. Sodaboy

    DXVK Vulcan API fix now on the patch server (DXVK Vulcan APIの修正)

    Update: Looks like the PSOBB add on plugin is currently incompatible with the new DXVK. Looking into it... Hello there! It looks like the DXVK team has finally addressed the issues with PSOBB and, thus, a new version of the DXVK API DLL was placed on the patch server. After some quick...
  11. Sodaboy

    Server maintenance has been completed for May 20th, 2024 (サーバメンテナンス完了 5/20)

    Server maintenance has been completed. The game has been updated to v1.610 and the following games were made to the game: - The Tekker now properly uses the visible Tekker's item favor tables instead of your own. This is usually the based on the leader's section ID, but if you're still on...
  12. Sodaboy

    Ephinea v1.604 DLL update

    Hello! The Ephinea DLL was updated to v1.604 today. The following changes were made: - Fixed issue with positive tekking returning user to the lobby. - Added positive tekking jingle. - Fixed issue with shock status not lowering enemy EVP when enemy is shocked. (In fact, the enemy's EVP...
  13. Sodaboy

    Server maintenance concluded for May 16th, 2024 (サーバメンテナンス完了 5/16)

    The brief server maintenance has concluded. The ship binaries were updated with the following changes: - Tekking now works more like the official server. (THANK YOU, FUZZIQERSOFTWARE FOR YOUR DECOMPILING WORK!) Meaning section IDs get their proper bonuses to specials, grinds, and percents...
  14. Sodaboy

    Server maintenance complete for May 5th, 2024 (サーバメンテナンス完了 5/5)

    Update 5/7/2024: Some of the scaling parameters were changed on A1-A3. Server maintenance was completed. The DLL of the game was updated with the following changes: - Fixed the broken muzzle particle and ejected bullet casings for the Rianov weapons. - When /cam is active, holding either...
  15. Sodaboy

    Server maintenance concluded for April 30th, 2024 (サーバメンテナンス完了 4/30)

    Although it took longer than expected, the maintenance to the server has concluded. Thank you for your patience!  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 想定より少し時間を要してしまいましたが、サーバメンテナンスは無事完了しました。 お待たせしました!
  16. Sodaboy

    PSO and PSO Community Appreciation Thread

    Hello, Hunters of PSO! I've been doing some reflecting and noticed that, wow, it's has been quite the journey with PSO for me. I've been in the PSO scene for quite some time! Online AND offline, I've played every release of PSO so far... JP PSOv1, US PSOv1, JP PSOv2, US PSOv2, JP EP1&2...
  17. Sodaboy

    Server restart complete for December 22nd, 2023. (サーバ再起動完了 12/23)

    Update: Restart complete. Sorry to keep you waiting! (Update was just to fix a minor bug with unit drops from previous update, but took longer than usual due to personal reasons.) There will be a quick server restart at 20:00 UTC on December 22nd, 2023 to apply an update. Thank you for...
  18. Sodaboy

    Server restart complete for December 20th (サーバーの再起動が完了しました12/20 )

    Update: Server restart has completed. Thank you for your patience. Update 2: Forgot to mention that certain units can now drop --,-,+, and ++ versions. For English players, you'll need to update your unitxt file through the launcher to see proper values on the item descriptions. There will be...
  19. Sodaboy

    Server maintenance completed for December 15th, 2023 (2023年12月16日にサーバーメンテナンスが完了しました)

    Thanks for your patience. Server maintenance has been completed for December 15th, 2023. The following changes were made to the game: - I made some back end changes that allow the other admins to admin better. - All of the login and patch server messages were finally translated to Japanese...
  20. Sodaboy

    Server maintenance for December 13th, 2023 completed. (サーバメンテナンス完了 12/14)

    Update: Maintenance has been completed. There will be a brief maintenance on December 13th, 2023 at 20:00 UTC. This maintenance will double the amount of games that can be created on each block from 64 to 128 games. (You will still only see 64 games when checking the game list. The first...