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  1. Esther


    And they're gone
  2. Esther

    Dinput8 Crashing the game

    It was the Vjoy Driver that enables Xinput to make Dinput controls function properly. It prioritized itself over my main controls after a Win10 update. So I simply got rid of it since I really never use it.
  3. Esther

    Dinput8 Crashing the game

    Ok, through many tests, I was able to narrow down the culprit indeed. Thanks
  4. Esther

    OMG, I'm not alone! It's one of my favorite ROM hacks of the SMW titles.

    OMG, I'm not alone! It's one of my favorite ROM hacks of the SMW titles.
  5. Esther

    Dinput8 Crashing the game

    @Ender I checked that forum post out already, but to me, it might as well be written in Gaulish. No idea as to where to pinpoint where to disable the overlay that was being discussed.
  6. Esther

    Dinput8 Crashing the game

    I uninstalled and then reinstalled the game to start a fresh slate in the registry. Then I went back to installing all of the addons I normally used after initially getting this error: Upon closing the message, the game closes. Even after doing what I mentioned above (un and re-installing)...
  7. Esther

    EXP Gap between solo/Multi in Ep4

    I might've missed something, I dunno. But someone said that the EXP values in solo and multi are coming out the same in ep4. So I tried both modes and they are, in fact, the same. So I went to ep1 to try it and the values there differ with multi being slightly more EXP like we're all familiar...
  8. Esther

    Returning long time player

    It's a false positive. Trust me. This concern of yours is recited by so many people. So come satisfy your itch for the game and have some fun ^^ Welcome to Ephinea
  9. Esther

    The CS (Closed invite)

    You're very welcome. Enjoy your stay :)
  10. Esther

    B> 100% Qedit knowledge ^^

    B> 100% Qedit knowledge ^^
  11. Esther

    Qedit Help

    Need help with 'leti' OPcodes. It says to use it for inserting values for registers but I'm not sure I'm really looking at when it comes to a finished script: Especially when I see a long string of them. Other than that I think I'm mostly set ^^
  12. Esther

    Qedit Help

    LOL Okay, yeah. I'm dumb. Glossed right over the '2' in that OPcode. Thanks
  13. Esther

    Qedit Help

    Thanks for all the pointers ^^ Hm, It seems 'get_difflvl' isn't available to view on the wiki. Looking at EN4 atm and I'm curious as to what it does? Apologies for the constant shouts for help >_> Looks like something that loads another level or something
  14. Esther

    Qedit Help

    Will look into it. Thanks, Boss :3
  15. Esther

    Qedit Help

    omg the scripting part looks so overwhelming X_X Could someone possibly tell me what the more common ones are? Or perhaps what they mean? Just looking at other quest scripts is like looking at a wall of Gaulish Text '-';;
  16. Esther

    Qedit Help

    Ah, okay. Yeah I see it. Thanks. My next question would be about the doors. Seeing your post about how to keep them open versus locked until events/switches give the say so, I tried it and then viewed it through the 3D viewing. I've seen the doors be locked in other quests but it's not working...
  17. Esther

    Qedit Help

    Novice here I'm picking at preset Sega quests and learning little by little how to work some things in Qedit. What I can't seem to understand though are what you can use Object Room IDs for. I feel it's simple but I'm not entirely sure. Help?
  18. Esther

    A>Psycho Wand[0/0/0/0/35]

    Really don't want to be that guy, but even after a lowered reserve you start at 400. That's supposed to be a reserve. Not a buyout price.
  19. Esther

    Laconium Axe 60h (done)

    Not sure what to price this at. Halp plz EDIT: Nevermind. Figured it out
  20. Esther

    pc>lame 30dark, 35hit?

    300+ easily