Search results

  1. milranduil

    s > stuff

    Common Weps: Spirit Vulcan 0/0/0/0|55 - 3pd King's Striker - 1pd Charge Arms 0/0/0/0|50 - 1pd (~2 in supply) Melee: Galatine 30/0/0/0|0 - 4pd Galatine 20/15/20/0|0 - 4pd Ranged: Ophelie Seize 0/0/0/0|0 - 1pd Berserk TypeGU/Hand 40h - 1pd Tech: Glide Divine x2 - 1pd Armor/Shields: Electro...
  2. milranduil

    JC's Quality shop [Closed]

    Still got the 50h hell raygun, hell rifle, and charge diska?
  3. milranduil


    i'll buy the spread needle for 1pd! edit: nvm bought a spread already. if they're still free, i wouldn't mind getting a few of those buffs for ramarl though
  4. milranduil

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Maybe I'm thinking of a different server, but wasn't it fixed so that you won't be instakilled by things that don't knock you down like those tornadoes (or Gal Gryphon)?