Search results

  1. Ceri0n

    The (e)c(on)omical and social classes of Ephinea/PSO

    At lvl 151 you should be able to go through HBR relatively easily, even if you are "undergeared". Underexperience can be an issue. Maybe PW3 can be somewhat of a problem but Wol4 and EN4 are very doable without s-ranks. What class do you play and what gear do you have? You can also PM me :) .
  2. Ceri0n

    The (e)c(on)omical and social classes of Ephinea/PSO

    Hunting Red Ring on TTF would be good but I don't know how fast you can complete it in one player mode (12-14 minutes should be easy). Having a group is cool too but most of the time it is slower in pugs. This HBR is great as well as sofs drop, HS's can drop and spread needles from Endless...
  3. Ceri0n

    The (e)c(on)omical and social classes of Ephinea/PSO

    (e)c(on)omical comical (without the parenthesis). I am not saying that it is actually comical but I thought I should put it in there :), idk....
  4. Ceri0n

    The (e)c(on)omical and social classes of Ephinea/PSO

    Can't disagree. I don't know what your section ID is but check what is worth hunting and try to sell that. Uptrading nowadays is quite hard I have to admit. Running HBR helps as well but you have to play a lot too, no doubt!
  5. Ceri0n

    The (e)c(on)omical and social classes of Ephinea/PSO

    What are you missing?
  6. Ceri0n

    The (e)c(on)omical and social classes of Ephinea/PSO

    Guilty ;) . Though I was probably not the person that bought it for 23 pds. Prices are not set in stone. It is pretty much the highest amount of PDS someone is willing to pay for it that is the price. If it is a sellersmarket, don't sell. If you do want a quick sale and have a high turnover rate...
  7. Ceri0n

    The (e)c(on)omical and social classes of Ephinea/PSO

    I don’t think any of you guys know this but I like economics and the mechanics behind it. I am still trying to figure out how it works on a world scale and it is not that obvious which move affects another, although it is certainly not entirely chaos. Anyhow, I do want to apply this tiny...
  8. Ceri0n


    I agree
  9. Ceri0n


    Hunt it, it is not THAT much of a grind.
  10. Ceri0n


    Taurus was wanting to give 25 pds for it and I initially agreed. However, since 25 is a total rip off I sold it for 10 with 4 slots at the end.
  11. Ceri0n

    I'm done.

    The world nowadays is easily butt hurt, it is not (just) this community. Since you acknowledge this, don't do it yourself (I have not read the 'deleted' post though) when your post has been removed. Accept it and move on since it is not going to change anytime soon.
  12. Ceri0n

    A>lvl 29 grants (closed)

    Aylin is the winner
  13. Ceri0n

    A/Syncesta (CLOSED)

  14. Ceri0n

    A/Syncesta (CLOSED)

    Cool :). Are you online now btw?
  15. Ceri0n

    A/Syncesta (CLOSED)

  16. Ceri0n

    A>lvl 29 grants (closed)

    24 hours, 3pds reserve
  17. Ceri0n

    B> MG+ (done)

  18. Ceri0n

    S>60hit Spirit Gatlings

  19. Ceri0n

    There is a dearth of quality FOs as of late

    Define that though :P
  20. Ceri0n

    A/Syncesta (CLOSED)

    11 pds